Page 101 of Finding Home

With a shake of my head and a promise to fuck her until we both pass out in just a few short hours, I head to the closet and dig around for boxers and jeans. I drop my towel to start dressing, but the silence of the room has me stopping and turning. Her body is turned toward the door, but her eyes are all for me.

I step into my boxers with a smirk. “You good, there, pervert?”

“Mmhmm.” She bites her seductive bottom lip. “I’m dandy. Do that again. Slowly… and flex.”

I snort and step toward her with my jeans still in hand. “You like what you see, baby?” I stop in front of her and bring her body back around until our chests touch. My cock insists on pulsing between us, but I can’t help it. The day it stops is the day I die.

She steps onto her toes and presses a juicy kiss to my lips. “I definitely do.” Then she pats my chest patronizingly. “And I’m ready to go when you are.”

I carefully thread my hands into her hair and massage. “You look very pretty, baby. Like usual.”

“Thank you. I look okay to meet your mom?”

“You do, definitely.” I pull back until our eyes meet. “I know you’re nervous, but please don’t be. I swear on everything, she’s cool. She’ll love you. You’ve already met and won over my brothers, she’ll be the same. I promise.”

Her eyes are almost desperate, her hands shaking, though she tries to hide it. She bites her lip, but she wouldn’t be my beautiful Kit if she didn’t eventually square her shoulders and nod. “Okay. We better get moving so we’re not late. Who else is going?”

“Just you, me, and Jack. We’re keeping it small so you can meet and get to know each other. No pressure.”

* * *

Twenty minutes later, I open the front door and let the three of us into my mom’s house. I hold Kit’s hand and lead her toward the living room to find everyone,everyone, is here. Jimmy’s acting out some stupid shit to the laughter of the group, Aiden’s standing with one arm around Mom, and Jon is sitting next to Tink… close, but not touching.

Kit’s already tense body turns rigid at the sight of the crowd. It took everything I had to get her here tonight, and now it’s all ruined. Having everyone here is just too much – too much noise, too much pressure… But then Jimmy falls on his ass after my mom shoves him over before he breaks her TV.

Kit laughs when he slams to the floor, and the tension shaking her lean body evaporates into thin air.

“Well, hey there, Kitty Kat.” Jimmy pastes on a goofy smirk and climbs to his feet. He brushes past my curious mom and walks up to stop right in front of Kit. I swear, she rolls her eyes at his playful names, but I’m positive she loves it. She loves him like she loves Jack.

With a smug brow lifted and an arrogance only Jimmy can possess, he pushes me aside and throws his arm around her shoulders. “Mama.” He exaggerates the baby pout and makes a big production out of squeezing Kit against his side. “This is Kit. She and I are… serious.”

With an eyeroll that this fucker thinks he gets to hijack this meeting – the most important meeting of my life – I step forward and shove him off her. “Let her go, dumbass.”

“Robert! Don’t swear.”

Kit’s elbow shoots up and slams into my ribs in the same moment Mom scolds, and when her eyes snap to Kit’s elbow, then toward me, a small grin tugs her lips up.

I pull Kit’s shaking body close against my side, then I look into my mom’s eyes and take a deep breath.Don’t fuck this up, B. Don’t let it go to shit.“Mom, this is Kit Reilly.” Mom watches her closely. I clear my throat as Kit barely manages to keep her eyes off the floor. “And Kit, this is my mom, Nelly Kincaid.”

Everyone in the room holds their breath as though they know how important this is. No doubt they do. This is the first timeanyof us have ever brought a girl home to meet Mom.

Kit takes a deep fortifying breath, meets my mom’s eyes directly, and extends her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Kincaid. I really like all of your sons… so, good job.”

Mom watches Kit for a moment longer and sends beads of sweat sliding down my spine, then gently pushing her hand out of the way, she moves in for a hug instead. “The pleasure’s all mine, honey. Please call me Nelly.” She pulls back with a smile and fastens her steady hands around Kit’s. “I’m so happy to meet you at last. I’ve heard a lot about you.” She throws a grin at Jimmy. “And you sure are as pretty as they bragged. Your eyes are amazing. Which side of the family did you get those from?”

Kit blushes furiously, gently pries her hands away, and steps back into my side. “Thank you, Mrs… Nelly. That’s so kind of you to say. And my dad. I got my dad’s eyes.” She turns her head and looks behind us. “Umm, this is my brother, Jack.”

He steps forward as nervously as Kit. “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Kincaid. Thank you for having us over for dinner.”

“Oh, call me Nelly, please. It’s a pleasure to meet you, too.” She moves forward and pulls him into a hug. “Jimmy won’t shut up about either of you. I hear congratulations are in order, for you both. Must be something in the Reilly blood to produce two winners straight out of the gates, huh?”

Jack blushes in a way IknowI’ll tease him about for the next decade.

“I’m not sure how I feel about more fighters in the family,” Mom continues. “You’ve just added two brand-new people for me to worry about.”

I roll my eyes. “Nope, just one. Kit won’t be fighting anymore.”

Jack scoffs, Jim calls ‘bullshit,’ and my mom laughs as Kit tells me I’m absolutely wrong.