Page 129 of Finding Home



Through The Veil

Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep.

I mark time by listening to the beeps. They were annoying at first, but they’ve changed to something more meditative. Not that I’ve ever meditated, but this is what I imagine it would feel like. It’s still night time, everything is dark. Darker than even night time should be.

‘How is she?’

The mumbles float through my consciousness, but it’s like I’m underwater. I can’t focus, I can’t place the voice. Jack and Bobby must be talking in the kitchen. I love that my brother and my boyfriend get along so well.

‘No change.’

Oh, that was Bobby. Definitely. I’d know him anywhere. I know it must almost be time to wake up, but I’m so tired. Just a few more minutes. That’s all I need. Hit the snooze. Nine more minutes.

* * *

Music flitters in the air. So soft. So sweet, I want to smile. My brain tells me to turn over, but I’m too tired. Hit the snooze. Nine more minutes.

* * *

Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep.

‘Honey, why don’t you go home and have a shower? Have a nap. I’ll sit here. I won’t leave, I promise.’

‘No, Mom. I’m not going anywhere.’

‘You need to rest, baby. You can’t sleep in a chair forever. It’s been a week, you must be exhausted.’

‘I can’t leave, Mama. What if she wakes? What if she never wakes?’

I fall asleep again to the sound of weeping. And a mother’s love as she hums a soothing tone.

* * *

Music continues to play in the air, and apart from numbness that would probably be fixed if I just rolled over, I’m so comfortable, I refuse to get up just yet. Chilling in bed and listening to music is what weekends are for. If only that beeping would stop. Did someone leave the freezer open?

* * *

‘Wake up, baby. Please wake up soon. I miss you so much.’

I’m so confused.

* * *

‘Hey there, Kitty Kat. I’d really appreciate it if you could wake up for me, princess. I miss you like crazy.

‘What if I kiss you? We don’t even have to tell Bobby. But you have to hurry, because this might be my only chance. He never leaves your side, and it took four coffees to get him to take a piss. We only have a few minutes before he gets back, so you have to wake up now.’

Jimmy thinks he’s so funny. Crazy guy.

* * *

‘Hey Kit. How you doing, babe? I bet you’ve got a headache, huh? I have some gossip for you, but you have to open your eyes. I won’t tell you till you wake up.’

* * *