Page 130 of Finding Home

‘No, I’m not gonna fight. It’s too late, anyway.’

‘Alright, I’ll speak to the commission.’

‘Thanks, Aiden. I owe you, man.’

‘Nah, it’s fine. Keep our girl company. I’m gonna go home for a bit, okay? Mom said she’ll come by later. I’ll take Jack with me.’

‘Thanks. That reminds me, we need to get him back to school soon. I’ve dropped the ball. Kit’s gonna be pissed.’

‘He can start back soon. Let him have a few more days. It would be cruel to send him back when you’re not leaving her either.’

‘Yeah… I’m not leaving.’

‘Exactly. Don’t force him away from her. He won’t go, anyway.’

* * *

‘Kit. You need to wake up now. I need your help, baby. Come on.’

* * *

‘Merry Christmas, jerk. So listen, you’re pissing me off. This is our first Christmas since Dad, and you’ve ditched me. I need you to come back now. I need you.’

* * *

‘Bormann. Why won’t she wake up? It’s been too long.’

‘I’m sorry, but I don’t have answers for you. We’ve done everything we can. The swelling has gone down. We’re not sedating her. This is just her mind and body demanding rest. She’s been through a very traumatic experience, and this is her mind’s way of protecting itself. She’ll wake when she’s ready, but I can assure you, it’s very promising that she responds; she squeezes your hand when you hold it, Bobby. That means something. She’s in there. Studies even tell us she can probably hear you. Keep talking to her, son.’

I work hard to slit my eyes open. They’re gritty, almost as though they’ve been taped shut, and it takes me a while to focus. The room is dark, but two silhouettes stand at the end of my bed.

One is definitely Bobby. I’d know him anywhere.

But this is definitelynotmy bedroom.

I want to reach out, I want to touch him, but my arms are so unbelievably heavy, and he’s facing away, so he can’t see me. I’m just so tired. My eyes are droopy and heavy. Hit the snooze. Nine more minutes.

Nine more minutes, then I’ll yell at him for being weird and bringing people into our bedroom.

Then I’ll kiss him, because I miss him.

* * *

‘You promised, baby. You promised you wouldn’t run from me anymore. If you wake up, I’ll do anything,anythingyou want. For the rest of my life, you only have to ask and it’s yours. You hold all the power. Please, baby. Please.’

* * *

‘Yeah, I’m Bobby Kincaid. And you are…?’

‘I’m Lieutenant Stephens, this is my partner, Officer Bowers. We’re investigating the attack on Ms. Reilly.’

Someone attacked me?

‘Call her Kit. She’d prefer that.’

‘Okay. How is she? How’s Kit?’

‘She’s… the same. Doctor says she’ll wake when she’s ready. What do you know?’