Page 56 of Finding Home

M:Bye : )

Bobby: ……… *waiting*


Bobby:I sent you two kisses…

Me:I sent you a smiley face!


I can’t even describe how giddy it makes me every time he calls me babe.

Me: ………

Me: xx

Bobby: :Dx

I throw my phone down with a giant grin stretching across my face, then I look to my computer to find I’m now an hour late. I have a lot of work to get done between now and five, because there’s no way in hell I’m working late.

* * *

I arrive at the gym at five-thirty with spare clothes and snacks for Jack, and a smile on my face despite the shitty news Jack dropped down on me this morning.

It’s date night. How could I not smile?

For the first time since coming here, I’ve been moved into a group class instead of one-on-one with Bobby. Aiden’s class. And since it’s my first time with others, I feel brand new all over again. Nerves make me sweat, but Aiden’s cool. He’d never let me embarrass myself – not like Jimmy. He’s far more likely to trip me up and stand over me with a teasing grin.

I stop just inside the door at the sight of Bobby, Jimmy, and Jack standing around the reception desk with their heads bowed low. An iPad rests on the desk, and the sounds of cheering and fighting play in the air and compete with the real-life sounds of fighting further inside the gym.

I creep closer in an attempt to snoop, but as soon as I’m within a few feet, Bobby stands and turns with a smile. “Hey Babe, we were waiting for you.”

I frown. “You were? How’d you know I was here?”

He wears a silly smirk and taps his temple. “I know everything.”

Jim laughs and leans back against the counter. “Because you smell like coconuts. That’s how he knew.” He looks me up and down like a creepy old man. “You look good, doll. I’ve had a long hard day at work, wanna give me some sugar?”

Bobby’s eyes narrow dangerously when Jimmy blows noisy kisses. “Fuck off, Jim.”

Jack’s face scrunches sourly. “Gross.”

The Kincaids glare at Jack. “Not gross!”

I shake my head and snicker. Whatever. “What were you guys watching? And why were you waiting for me?”

“Actually,” Bobby’s smirk turns wary, “we wanted to discuss something with you.”

I glance from nervous face to nervous face, but Jack’s just looks flat out scared.Oh God, what did he do wrong?“Tell me now. Tell me quick. I don’t have enough steam left for bad news.”

“No, babe.” Bobby steps forward and takes my hand in his. “Not bad news. Exciting news.” My eyes narrow – there’s always a catch. “We were watching amateur fights. Every quarter, we send students to compete in what we call a development day. It’s basically competitive fighting, but for the beginners. Full body protection for the under sixteens: head gear, shin pads, gloves, mouthguard, the lot. The competitors are all beginners, none have had more than five fights. Once you’ve had five, win, lose, or draw, you get moved away from the development day tournaments and into proper competition.”


“Well,” he smiles charmingly, “we wanna enter Jack.”

“Jack? But– huh…” My first instinct is to say ‘hell no,’ but then I stop at Jack’s fallen face and reconsider. “When is it?”