Page 57 of Finding Home

“In a little over three weeks,” Jimmy answers seriously. This might be the first time I’ve ever heard him speak without joking or sexual innuendo. I giggle at the absurdity.


“Nothing, never mind. Is three weeks enough time? He only just started here.”

Bobby nods hopefully. “It’s just a beginner thing. It’ll be the same as sparring here, but with more excitement. He won’t be competing against some pro, just another teenager with the same experience and same weight. He won’t get hurt, I promise.”

I turn to Jack. “Do you want to compete?”

“Yes! It would be so cool. The thing is,” he hesitates, “it costs twenty-five bucks to enter, and I need my own gear… Like, gloves and shit.”

“But don’t worry about that,” Bobby adds quickly. “We have a fundraising committee for comp fees. Students’ moms get together and raise money for this sorta stuff. Tournament fees, travelling, that sort of thing, so his entry fee is covered, and we can either lend him gloves and gear, or he can work for it to buy some from us. Though we recommend the second, since he’ll be wanting his own gear eventually.”

“Okay well,” I look from face to face, “if you guys think he’s ready, then sure. Why not?”

Jack’s eyes light up. “Really?”

“Yeah, sure. But don’t worry about the money and stuff. We’ll get you your own gear. We’ll work out the details later.”

“Really?” he asks again.

I laugh. “Do you want me to say no? Remember our talk this morning; we’re working on being better, yeah? Plus, you stood up for me, and I feel kinda guilty for getting mad at you about it.”

He stares at me a minute more, then with a wide smile and a shouted‘whoop!’he dashes away without the food and clothes I carried in for him.

“Okay, sweet.” Jim steps forward with a smile. “I’m glad that’s sorted.” He slaps a wet kiss on my cheek, then bolts away before Bobby can hit him.

I laugh and use Jack’s spare shirt to wipe my face, then finally stopping to look at Bobby for the first time today, I smile as he scowls after his smartass brother.

Sexy muscle tank that does its job; shows off his chest and arms to perfection, and red and black shorts that go to his knees, Bobby stands in front of me with bare feet, like he is ninety-nine percent of the time when he’s here, and damp hair that curls at his neck and almost tickles his jaw.

God, he’s pretty with his eyes of melted chocolate and devil’s smirk.

“You like what you see?”

I laugh, surprisingly less embarrassed at being caught than I used to be. It’s just a way of life, now. “I do, no complaints yet. Were you guys freaking out waiting to ask me?”

“Oh shit.” He laughs. “Jack totally was. He thought for sure you’d say no.” Bobby steps closer and takes a loose section of my hair to twirl around his finger. He rests the side of his hand on my collarbone and sends electricity shooting beneath my skin. “Not me though, you’re the least scary person I know. Softer than a kitten.”

My skin breaks out in goosebumps at his nearness. “I can be scary.”

His breath bathes my face. “Nah. Not scary at all.”

Focus!“But he really wants to do it, right?”

“Yeah, he does.” His plump lips turn up in a smile. “And what’s more, he’ll smash them. He’s huge and has natural talent. I mean, he’ll still be a beginner, he won’t have the best moves or combos, but I guarantee you he’ll have enough to win. If he sticks this out and goes to comp fighting for real, he’ll be fucking amazing.”

“I’m not entirely sure how I feel about that. It’s one thing to send him to an amateur thing, but another entirely to let him work up to adult fights.”

“Well, once he gets a taste of competition, there’ll be no stopping him. You should prepare yourself for a lifetime of ringside seats and heart attacks.”

“Oh goodie.” I roll my eyes. Something else for me to freak out about. “I’m happy that he’s really enjoying this, though. Before we came here, he was bored, and when he’s bored…” he gets into trouble.

“You can send him straight here after school, if you want. He doesn’t have to wait for you to finish work. We can use that time for him to earn his classes and stuff. A busy kid doesn’t have time for trouble.”

“Really? You don’t mind?”

“Do I mind if you send me free kiddie labor? Hell no.” His eyes turn serious. “Send him, babe, he’s not a burden, he’s just one of the guys now.”