Page 82 of Finding Home

If Jimmy’s alternative is a fist or baseball bat, I might kill him. “What are you guys doing here? Go away, we’re busy.”

“No way, princess. If I knew B had gone soft, I’d have taken your session. You won’t win a damn thing using a noodle. The chicks standing toe to toe with you don’t have noodles for arms, silly.”

“The chicks standing toe to toe with me? You people are insane if you think I’m competing! I didn’t sign up for an ass kicking, so give me back the noodle and get lost.”

Jimmy laughs. “You won’t get your ass kicked. We promise.”

“Yeah,” I grumble. “I’ve heard that before.”

“That’s why I’m here,” Izzy adds. “Beebee needs to find a new student, because you’re all mine, now. I’ll be working with you for your three days a week between now and the fight, that way you’ll get the feel of an actual sparring session.” My head is spinning. “I won’t be pulling punches like them…” She sneers at the foam in Bobby’s hand. “Or using noodles.”

“Awesome.” I throw my hands in the air. “Soyouget to kick my ass first, then I have to drag my broken ass into the ring to get kicked again. Is it my birthday? Because this shit sounds like a gift.”

“Kit, stop!” Bobby spins me to face him. “No one will be kicking your ass,especiallynot your opponent. I already said I won’t send you into a fight you can’t win, but you need to fix that attitude. Winners are winners in their mind. That shit is decided days, weeks, even months before you step up to her. If you go into it expecting to lose, then no amount of training will save you. You won’t win if you keep telling yourself you can’t.”

Don’t be so damn logical!

“Kit…?” His chocolate eyes demand acknowledgment.

“Fine! I’m sorry.”

Jack laughs. “How do those words taste? Did that ‘sorry’ burn on the way up?”

Can I ground him for that alone? Or is that misusing authority?

Bobby leans in and presses a gentle kiss to my temple. “You’ll be fine babe, I promise. I’ll never, ever, let anyone hurt you.” Then he turns to our audience. “We’re done for tonight. Let’s get outta here.”