Page 83 of Finding Home



Jack’s First Taste

Jimmy’s spent a lot of time with Jack the last few weeks prepping for his fight, and finally, the big day has arrived. I’ve been keeping an eye on his progress, as well as Kit’s –especiallyKit’s – and I’m stoked with how they’re doing.

I’ve no doubt Jack will win today, and for the first time since Jim was first called to the ring, I feel like a proud parent waiting for Jack to be called up.

Watching Kit train does strange things to me. Her body is developing such strong, sexy muscle, her long legs are what dreams are made of. Literally.

Her attitude though, is the sexiest change of all.

Along with her new skills and added muscle mass, her confidence has taken a huge boost. She nowbelievesshe can fight and win, and that confidence translates to fucking sexy.

We spend the majority of our downtime together, so much so, that Jack now considers me a constant fixture in their home – and thank God, no more ‘what are your intentions?’ talks. She hasn’t slept at my house since that first time, since she has Jack at home, but that’s fine with me, because I get to stay at her house sometimes. Those nights are the best; being able to turn to her at any time of the night, to be able to touch her, to smell her, to wake her up slowly by pleasuring her. She’s amazing, and I’ve gone from a guy not wanting to commit to any one person ever, to knowing exactly who I’ll marry.

She’s it for me, and I don’t regret it one bit.

The nights we don’t sleep in the same bed, we text or call. She’s the last person I speak with before I pass out at night, and the first to put a smile on my face when I wake.

She’s still busy at work, and I know she’s still working with her lawyers to finalize her dad’s estate – though they told her it’ll still be a while. They did tell us her aunts have backed off with their lawyers, and Jack says he hasn’t had any more issues with the asshole Chris, so basically, life has been smooth sailing.

Now that it’s August, my own training hours will increase and the guys will pick up the slack as I step back from class sessions, all in preparation for my fight in December. The guys will alternate between working with me, and taking classes, and as December draws closer, I’ll commit more and more hours per day.

Thankfully, my extra training won’t impact my time with Kit, since the majority of it is done when she’s at her office. I’ll still see her in the evenings when she comes for classes, and if I’m lucky, I’ll get extra nights in her bed, even if only to be near her.

Now we’re in the locker rooms at the fight center, and Jimmy murmurs tips and instructions to Jack as they skip to warm up. He was so fucking psyched for this… until we got here. Now Jack has turned green and his hands won’t stop shaking with nerves.

He’ll be okay. We all get those nerves, whether it’s our first or hundredth fight. But as a competition fighter, he’ll learn to deal with them, or he’ll quit. The decision is entirely his.

A knock at the locker room door has us looking up as an official pops his head in. “Three-minute call for Reilly.”

“Alright, Jack.” I stand from the bench and turn to face him. “Put the rope away and come over here. You need to calm down.” I pass a bottle of water and frown at his shaking hands. “Have a sip, slow your breathing. Your opponent is just as fresh as you, kid. He’s just as nervous. The difference is, no one has worked as hard as you, so you have nothing to worry about. Keep your strategy simple. Go for legs, go for the body, and then when you see the opening, take his head. Legs, body, legs, body, legs, body, head. Got it? Remember, you don’t have to knock him out to win. Disable his legs and he’s out. Don’t waste your energy on head shots unless you know they’ll pay off.”

“Come on.” Jimmy passes Jack his gloves. “Time to get your gear on. You have about a minute and a half left.” Kit ended up buying them both new gloves when I suggested it, and Jack’s are already showing wear – a testament to his hard work. He’ll treasure these gloves for the rest of his life. They’re the first pair he ever owned. The first pair he ever competed with.

The wear and tear is coveted.

To own mark free gloves means he never even tried.

Geared up, we walk side by side out the doors and down the hallway toward the main room. Usually this place operates as a regular gym, but today they’ve cleared out everything except the ring and brought in chairs for the spectators. There’ll be twelve fights today, and since Jack is both male and a heavyweight, he’s number ten on the drawcard, only preceding the more experienced male heavyweights.

My gaze stops on Kit as soon as we enter the main room, and apart from her own personal shade of nervous green, she looks amazing – like always. Her hair is half up, half down. Her usual high-tops frame her ankles, and sexy cut-off shorts show off lean thighs. But instead of any old tank, today she’s wearing one of our gym shirts.‘Property of the Rollin On Gym.’Fuck if that doesn’t make me hard every time I see it. I didn’t make her wear it, I didn’t even ask her to wear it, but the fact she did makes me feel all caveman and shit.

Throw her over my shoulder. Take her back to my cave. Put my seed in her belly and keep her forever and ever.

In the third row to the left of the ring, she sits between Aiden and Tink – I figure she chose him for a reason. He’ll talk her through her heart attack, while Tink and Jon pretend not to flirt with each other.

Her beautiful eyes latch onto mine in desperation, and giving her a reassuring smile to let her know she can stop freaking out, she simply nods and ties knots into her hair. She’ll be fine. He’ll be fine. And when he’s done and gets the win, I’ll take them out for an ‘I told you so’ celebration.

The announcers finish calling the last fight and declare the winner. The referee holds the kid’s hand in the air as his friends and family cheer, then he’s led out of the ring where they climb out just feet from where we stand.

I turn to Jack. “Alright. Just breathe.” I grab him by the shoulders and shake. “You just need to breathe, Jack. Trust your body, trust your muscle memory to get you through this. I only want you to concentrate on breathing. If you don’t, you’ll gas and then it’s all over. Breathe, fight smart. We’re not looking for fastest or strongest. Smart is what will get you through.”

I hit him in the chest and walk him to his corner. Parting the ropes, he climbs in while Jim and I stay on the outside.

“Jack!” I call for him to bend over so I can insert his mouthguard. “Just breathe, kid. I promise you’ll do great. You just have to trust me.”