Page 24 of Texas

“I’m sorry,” he muttered, glancing away from me.

“Hey,” I said, gaining his attention back, and when I held my hand out, he took it. I gave him a squeeze. “It’s okay. Dad will tell him I’ll talk to him soon. I’m just not ready for it now.”

“Okay.” With a quick kiss to my cheek, Drake walked out of the room, and Ruby quickly followed her twin.

Dad gave me a hug and kiss. “See you soon, kid.”

“You got it.”

“Kitten, walk me out,” Dad said.

“I’ll stay while you’re gone, Mum,” Cody said. Dad laid a hand on his shoulder before leaving.

“Be back soon,” Mum said with a wave before she too was gone.

Cody stepped further into the room and closed the door.

“Where’s Channa?” I asked.

“In the waitin’ room.”

“She could have come in,” I told him with a frown.

“Said that to her. She didn’t want to intrude on family time.”

I snorted, enjoying talking about anything else rather than what happened. “She’s already a part of the family.”

He smirked, taking Mum’s chair and pulling it close again. “Said that too, but you know her.”

“I do. She’s too nice.”

His face softened. “She is.”

“You picked well for once.”

He mock glared. “I always have good taste.” I rolled my eyes and stilled when he shifted in the seat and leaned forward. “So, you didn’t want to see that teach of yours.”

Relaxing a little since he wasn’t going to talk about that… and John, I sighed and ran a hand over the top of my head. It was getting harder to keep my eyes open from tiredness. “No. I… I just wasn’t ready.”

“Texas is out there.”

I looked away. “That’s nice. Mum said there’s a lot of people, or it was Dad who told me… I don’t know.”


“Don’t. Please.”

“Okay,” he whispered. “Ruin’s also out there with his man.”

“His man. Never thought I’d see that.”

“Me neither, but Wolf is cool.”

I hummed in reply.

“You know, I used to thank God a lot when he brought Mum into Dad’s life. Not only did I get someone who loved me like I was her own right from the start, but I got an annoyin’ little sister.”

I bit down on my bottom lip to stop the tremble before sucking in a deep breath. I wasn’t sure I could handle Cody’s kind words. “Cody, I’m tired.”

Lila Rose's Novels