Page 25 of Texas

“Then rest, sister, because I’ve got your back. I’ll always have your back, and I’m more than fuckin’ grateful God shined down on our family once again so none of us lost you.”

“Cody,” I choked.

He stood up, only to lean over and rest his forehead to mine. “You’re my baby sister, Maya.”

Tears welled and dropped. I couldn’t stop them, and I didn’t want to. My family had been through so much, and this, what happened to me, was so like Dad’s situation.

“Cody,” I cried, slamming my eyes closed.

“When we were little, Maya, you brightened my days when I was down. It was you and me against Mum and Dad for so fuckin’ long. Hell, it’s still like that. I’d do anythin’ for you, sister, you know that…. If you weren’t in my life, it’d be a fuckload duller. Glad you’re here with us, Maya.”

Sniffing, I wrapped my arms around him. “Love you, brother.”

He made a noise in the back of his throat. “Always love you, sister.”

I’d been wrong before when I’d said I would hopefully get through this. There was no hope necessary. I already knew I would because of my family.



It had been over a week since everything happened, and I’d just gotten back from John’s funeral. There was an ache in my belly and chest that wouldn’t leave. Seeing Moreen and their children’s pain was… utterly soul breaking.

Numbly, I kicked off my heels, my back wound twinging a little, and walked to the couch to sit. Ignoring the ache, I brought my legs up and tucked my feet under me. Ruby sat next to me, scooting close to rest her head against my shoulder. My whole family had gone to John’s funeral. Gratitude didn’t even come close to what I felt having them at my side.

“I’ll make some coffee,” Mum suggested, and walked down the hall with Dad following.

Drake took the chair beside the couch Ruby and I sat on and picked up the remote. “What do you two want to watch? And it can’t be some lovey-dovey movie that’ll make me gag.”

I managed a small laugh. “You pick.”

“Action?” he asked.

“Anime,” Ruby said.

“Anything, really,” I told them. The tight smile I’d attempted disappeared when I remembered the bellowing cry Moreen had made when John’s coffin lowered into the ground.

It still rang in my ears over and over.

With glassy eyes, I blinked to clear them and felt the tears fall.

Hadn’t I cried enough?

When would I run out of tears?

They never seemed to stop over the week.

John deserved to be mourned. But even more, he deserved to be alive.

Ruby pressed herself closer into me, bringing me back. Absently, I kissed the top of her head. I glanced at the television and noticed Drake had chosen a show we’d started binging on a few days ago. A show that would usually blank my mind, but my brain didn’t want to be distracted. Instead, it played the funeral over and over.

How Moreen had come to me and held me close as we both cried. How his family had all given me looks of sympathy. How I’d learned more things about John, things we wouldn’t ever get to talk about. Things I couldn’t tease him about and see his laugh or smile.

A knock on the door startled me, my back twinging again when I turned too fast. Drake got out of his chair, saying, “I’ll get it.” Drake opened the door and my stomach clenched when I saw Samuel. “Ah, hey, Mr Nareen.”

“Hello, Drake, is Maya in?”

My wonderful brother glanced over his shoulder and pulled the door closed more. “She is, but it ain’t a good time. The funeral was today.”

Lila Rose's Novels