Page 37 of Texas

IfDad gave in, I knew there would be strict instructions I would have to follow, and I’d do it to keep him happy, and to also ensure he didn’t send one of his brothers after us to keep an eye out. So, I kept my fingers crossed that Mum would persuade Dad. Besides, Queensland wasn’t far away, and Swan wasn’t like any of my other friends who liked to party and get into trouble.

The time away would be good to clear my mind. To help me work out what I wanted and where my next move would be. I still hadn’t made up my mind about work. The thought of going back had my throat closing over and my body shaky. My therapist had told me not to rush my decision. Even my boss said the same.

I wished I knew.

I did.

But I didn’t, and not knowing was frustrating me.

Sighing, I excused myself from the conversation Ivy had started with Mally and me and went to get myself a drink. We were at the compound in Caroline Springs for Texas’s birthday and for him to patch into the club. Even though he’d be a member of the Ballarat charter, Dodge, his uncle, wanted to celebrate with his nephew athiscompound.

Usually I loved being around everyone to catch up on what they had all been up to, but I wasn’t feeling the crowd right now.

A headache pounded at my temples. It wasn’t because of the company. I loved everyone here, but I just wasn’t in the mood to be around so many.

Once outside, I made my way over to Texas, who sat beside Dodge. I couldn’t help but smile about how I used to steer clear of Texas at any event. Always afraid I’d make a fool of myself or that my attraction to him would grow more.

Now, after having been around him a lot lately, I could admit my attraction had grown, but it had nothing to do with his good looks and a lot to do with the person he was.

Honestly, I’d been a fool to let my crush on him infringe on a friendship that I knew was growing between us.

“Hey,” I called once I was close.

They both looked my way and grinned. Dodge stood up and hugged me close. “I was just about to go grab a beer. You want anythin’, darlin’?” he asked.

“I’m good. Thanks, though.”

He winked down at me and took off towards his woman who sat near the drink table.

Looking back at Texas, I said, “I didn’t catch you inside. I wanted to say happy birthday again old man, and congrats on becoming Hawks.” Texas now wore a club vest and it looked good on him. Only like Dad, and a couple of other brothers, he’d kept his real name for the patch on his vest. When I’d asked him if he was worried about the possibility that he’d get appointed a terrible club name, he’d laughed and told me he’d already spoken to Dad about keeping Texas as his member name as well. Dad and the brothers had voted and had been fine with it.

“Thanks, babe. Come take a seat.” He nodded down at the chair Dodge had vacated.

I lowered myself into the seat as he drank the rest of his beer down and placed it on the ground. “So,” I drew out, “how’s it feel, being a full member now?”

He snorted. “Like nothin’ changed. Hawks has always been in my blood.”

Nodding, I leaned back in the chair more and tipped my face up to the sun, closing my eyes. It was one of those rare sunny days in winter, which was lucky. “I can understand that.” I turned my head and found his gaze already on me. My stomach fluttered to life.Shit.Straightening, I rested my cooler hands on my cheeks as I leaned forward with my elbows on my thighs.

“Ruby and Drake on holidays now?” Texas asked.

Random talk, I could do that and ignore the butterflies that had come to life even more so the last few times I’d been around Texas. Also, ignoring them would benefit me more as it meant I could keep this new friendship. A friendship I liked. Yes, I had my girlfriends I could hang out with, but I enjoyed the visits from Texas. There was also the chance he probably needed this friendship, since his other brothers were busy with their better halves.

I nodded. “Friday was their last day. Now it’ll be two weeks of gaming for Drake and reading for Ruby. That’s when she’s not glued to her boyfriend.”

Texas chuckled. “I’ll have to come by and check out Drake’s games. Haven’t played in years.”

“But you used to?”

“Hell yes. I was fuckin’ awesome.”

“What made you stop?”

“Life, drawing, apprenticeship, work. But now that I run my own businesses, I can pick and choose the hours I want to do.”

“But aren’t you busy?”

“I am.” He smirked. “But I also have employees. It makes me able to get picky on the clients.”

Lila Rose's Novels