Page 38 of Texas

“Are there some clients you won’t take on?”

He nodded. “Yeah, I know my skills and where I’d show my best work.”

“What are those?”

“This fucker is good at any design,” Ruin said as he bent to kiss my temple. “Hey, girl.”

I had to shield my eyes from the sun when I tipped my head back to see him. “Ruin, where’s your better half?”

He snorted and nodded off to the side. “Stuck with Mum and her posse.”

Wolf stood in the middle of Mally, Ruin’s mum, Deanna, which was never good, Ivy, and Josie. The last was the only saving grace in that group. She’d have Wolf’s back if needed.

Texas chuckled. “You’re a fuckin’ cruel man, brother.”

Ruin joined in laughing and shrugged. He glanced over just when Wolf looked our way with a deathly glare.

“He’s going to kick your butt later,” I told him.

“He can try.” His grin turned wicked.

Rolling my eyes, I smacked his arm. “Get your mind out of the gutter.”

“Ha, too late.” He pulled up another chair to my other side and sat. “Now, what’s this bullshit you were sayin’, brother? Your skills let you do any type of design. I’ve seen all your work.”

“I might be good, but if it’s somethin’ I hate doin’, like roses and butterflies, I don’t get enjoyment outta it. I want to love what I create, and I reckon it helps the clients to fall in love with it as well.”

I could understand that. He wanted to keep feeling the passion about his work. Still, I couldn’t help but tease, “Damn, and here I was thinking about getting you to do a butterfly and rose on me.”

I thought he would have laughed. He didn’t. Instead, his intense gaze had me swallowing thickly, and the fluttering came to life in my belly. “Babe, I’d do anythin’ you wanted.”

Our gazes held.

I needed to look away. I needed a distraction. Those words were beginning to mean more than he intended.

“Do I need to leave?” Ruin asked.

Blinking, I forced a small laugh. “No. What are you talking about?” I snorted. “Leave? What for? You’re being weird.”Jesus, shut up, Maya.

Ruin scoffed, his brows high. “Yeah, okay.”

Someone stepped up to our small group, thankfully. Wolf glowered down at his man.

“Babe, what took you so long?” Ruin stood up with a smug grin. “Here, take my seat.”

Wolf crossed his arms over his chest. “You left me to fend for myself all because I refused to suck your cock on the way here?”

Beer spewed out of Texas’s mouth, and he started coughing while I cackled. Texas hit his chest over and over as he hacked up a lung.

Ruin scowled, placing his hands on his hips. “No, babe. I left you standing over there because you told Link and Ryo about… what happened in the bathroom.”

Now I wanted to know what happened.

Wolf grinned. “How many times do I have to tell you? People expel gas all the time. There’s nothing to be upset about.”

Okay, I could have done without knowing.

Texas snorted through his laugh, and I had to cover my mouth to hide mine.

Lila Rose's Novels