Page 76 of Texas

Mon grinned. “Just call me if you can’t make it in.”

“Don’t forget to wrap it before you tap—” Hex took a step back from the look I shot him. “I’ll shut up now.”

Grunting, I walked around the counter and out the front door. Usually, I didn’t mind their teasing. But I just wasn’t having it because it was Maya. The women from my past, I didn’t care about. Maya, I did.

Once home, I took a quick shower and changed into my dark jeans, a long-sleeve black top, my club vest, and boots. I wasn’t taking my bike to pick Maya up. Though, having her wrapped around my back sounded appealing. Instead, I wanted to hold her damn hand like we were teens.

On the drive over, I cracked my neck, relieved I’d already talked to Talon. It meant if he was home, he already knew my intentions and had given me his approval. However, it wouldn’t surprise me if I got some type of fresh warning before taking Maya out.

At the door, I knocked and heard Drake yell, “I’ll get it.” His footsteps pounded from inside and then the door swung open. “Hey, Texas.” He moved back.

“How’s it goin’, kid?”

“Good, good.” He nodded and then turned to the hall. “Maya, Texas is here for your date.” He sang the last word loudly.

“Drake,” she yelled, her tone full of warning.

Drake rolled his eyes and then shut the door. He stood beside me, crossing his arms over his chest. “Right,” he drew out, “Dad ain’t home, so you got me to deal with. I’m guessin’ you already know the talk, but I’m still gonna give it to you straight. You hurt my sister in any fuckin’ way, I will hunt you down and make you pay in the worst way possible. Got it?”

I looked down at the floor while my lips twitched. Blanking my expression, I met his hard, serious gaze, then nodded. “Got it, Drake.”

He gave me a friendly smile. “Great.” With a slap to the back, he nodded towards the couch. “Wanna sit while you wait? God only knows how long she’ll take.”

“I’m here,” Maya called before she hit the living room. When she did, my throat closed over and I forgot how to breathe.

“Fuck,” I muttered.

Drake chuckled, rolled his eyes, and went to lounge on the couch.

Maya’s sweet smile had me sucking in air and then returning it with an open-mouthed, crazed one.

She was going to be mine and she knew it.

Christ, I was a lucky guy.

“Maya,” slipped out softly when she stopped in front of me. “Jesus, babe, you look stunnin’.” I’d thought I’d seen her in everything she owned.

I hadn’t.

It would have been burned into my brain if she’d ever worn this red dress. One that was cut just above her knees, sleeveless, and hugged her body like a second skin.

“It’s not too much?”

“No,” I said instantly. Reaching out, I placed a hand on her waist, leaned in, and took her mouth like I’d been thinking of doing all day. She melted into me. Her hands went to my chest and slid up to wind around my neck.

Drake dry retched in the background, but I couldn’t break the kiss. At least I refrained from palming her arse like I wanted to.

A throat cleared.

It was only then I broke the kiss and glanced to the side.

Damn me and my impulsive ways.

Talon and Zara stood inside the doorway. At least Zara was smiling, while Talon, my prez, looked at me like he wanted to rip me apart.

I could understand why. I did have my tongue down his daughter’s throat. I’d be pissed too if I saw it happen to my daughter, if I had one.

Maya shifted so she was in front of me. “Mum, Dad. Hey. You guys are back early.”

Lila Rose's Novels