Page 77 of Texas

“It’s all right, Dad. I gave him the talk,” Drake called.

Maya spun his way so she was at my side. “What talk?”

“Just know Texas and I have an understandin’.”

She snapped her gaze up to me. “What understanding?”

Grinning, I tapped her nose. “Nothin’ you need to worry about, gorgeous.”

“Texas knows where I stand,” Talon said.

Maya turned to him. “What doyoumean?”

Talon smiled, and it was a little scary. “Just some little threats among brothers.”


I curled my arm around Maya’s waist and brought her against me. “Relax, babe. It’s all good. They’re just keepin’ an eye out for you.”

She harrumphed. “Fine.”

“Curfew’s at midnight,” Talon ordered gruffly.

“Dad, I’m twenty-freaking-one. I don’t have a damn curfew.”

“Honey.” Zara pushed herself into her man. “Leave them be.” She looked at us. “Just go and have a good date.”

Talon pointed to his eyes and then to me. I nodded in return, fully understanding I held his precious cargo in my hands and was to take the utmost care of her. Which I would. Maya wasn’t only his to take care of, to guard, to cherish.

She was mine.



Dinner was at a restaurant in town. It was a small and cute one that I’d never been to. More importantly, it wasn’t loud and busy, which meant it was the perfect place for us to talk without having to yell over other people.

We’d just ordered and the waitress had disappeared when Texas’s attention locked on me. “Gonna say it again, babe. You look damn stunnin’.”

My body warmed like it had at the house when he’d said the words the first time. “Thanks.”

“Not that you don’t look hot all the other times, Maya. You do. It’s just the red against your skin, and with your hair down and curled more… fuck.”

A nervous laugh left me. I couldn’t deny that Texas was attracted to me. I just needed time to get used to it and that we were on a date. We’d also kissed. And we were going to be anus.

I wasn’t dreaming. This was happening.

All day I’d freaked out that I’d been too forward the previous night by pretty much admitting I would have stayed to sleep with him. And without a doubt or regret, I would have, because as soon as he’d kissed me, it was like a wave of desire rocked straight into my body. For a brief moment, I’d even considered stripping naked and begging, but my sanity had shot back, and I’d realised I was in the same boat as Texas. I didn’t want to rush… yet. Though, technically, it was a new day, so did that mean it was new rules?

“You look good too, Texas. You always do.”

“Babe.” It was a soft babe. One I loved hearing.

I picked at my napkin while I said, “I really like your ink, and the way you dress, and your hair on your head and face.” God, that sounded lame, and yet I still finished with, “It’s hot.”

“Babe.” That babe was a bit tighter and had me looking up at him. My breath caught, my pulse raced, and my stomach dipped. The heat in his eyes made them look darker than normal. I jumped when he suddenly got out of his chair and came at me. He dug his fingers into my hair to pull my head back so he could kiss my next breath away. When we stopped, I was left panting.

“Texas,” I whispered. I didn’t look around, but I knew people were watching. I didn’t care, though.

Lila Rose's Novels