Page 89 of Texas

Turning, I walked back inside.

“Who were those delicious specimens?” Mon asked. She’d told me a while ago that she and Hex liked to watch people. As in, they went to a certain type of club to watch other people get off while they got off together.

“Friends of ours.”

“Friends? Is that all you’re going to give me?”

I walked around the counter and started down the hall, ready to finish the design before Oliver showed.

“Texas,” she whined.

Facing her, I smirked. “Mon, you don’t have a chance to get them at the club. Parker won’t let anyone watch Easton. Even if there was a miracle and he said yes, then you’d also have to go up against Lan, who’s their third. He’s just as protective of Easton as Parker.”

“Oh hell, there’s three?”

Snorting, I shook my head. “Not a chance, Mon.”

She sighed. “Fine.”

I went into the break room again to make myself a coffee and grab a muffin from what Maya had brought in. Fuck, she was sweet. In more ways than one. Grinning, I took my drink and food into my area and sat at my desk.

While I worked on Oliver’s back piece, I couldn’t help but wonder how Maya was going. I glanced at the clock. They’d definitely be there. Was her boss already in her face, begging her to come back? Maya had a big heart. I worried she’d agree just to help out.

Groaning, I scrubbed a hand over my face and reached over to turn on my music. Turning it up louder, I got down to business. I’d soon see how it went, and then together, we’d deal with it.



As soon as I walked through the doors at the depot, I knew I’d made my choice. My throat closed over, my hands shook, and my heart beat frantically in my chest. Not only that, but tears formed as I took a step back.

Thank Christ for Easton. He curled me into him and eased me out of the depot.

I couldn’t work here.

I didn’t want to.

It was the last place I wanted to be.

Standing off to the side outside of the building, Easton helped me calm down, but every time the doors opened and the alarm sounded, I panicked.

Maybe one day I could go back to being a paramedic, but it wasn’t now.


Wiping at my face, I sucked in a shuddering breath and faced the voice I knew. My boss, Cassandra. “Hi, Cass.”

Her bright smile faded. “Are you all right?”

I gave her a half shrug. “I am, but it’s just….” Easton stood behind me with his hands on my shoulders. His support helped. “I’m not sure if I’ll ever return, but for now, I know this job isn’t for me.”

She nodded, smiling gently. “I understand, Maya. But will you keep us as an option in a couple of years? You’re a gifted paramedic, so don’t rule us out forever.”

“I won’t, and please pass on my farewell to everyone. I’ll try and come back another day.”

“You got it.” She reached out and gave my upper arm a squeeze. “Take care.”

“I will, and you too.”

Lila Rose's Novels