Page 90 of Texas

When she was inside the building, I turned to Easton. “I’m sorry. I-I know what I went through doesn’t justify this kind of anxiety—”

“Maya, no. Don’t play off what happened to you. It was big, and even if it wasn’t, it doesn’t matter to anyone else howyoudeal with it. If you never want to be a paramedic again, who cares? It’s whatyouwant. What you can deal with. Don’t worry about anyone else.”

My smile was a little crooked, and even I knew it wasn’t all there—my emotions were too raw. I hadn’t expected to react this way. I thought I’d at least get in there to see people, to say thank you for their support, but I couldn’t even do that.

“Come on. Let’s get out of here,” Easton said gently and curled his arm around my shoulders to lead me towards the car.

“You can go in. Please don’t let me stop you.”

“Honey, I’ll be honest. I had a feeling you would make up your mind if you came here. I’m not sure if I’ve done the right thing by pushing you, but I didn’t want you to deal with the anxiety of not making a choice.”

I stopped. Easton did too.


I had been putting off making a choice, but finally knowing I didn’t want to work here was like a weight had been swept free from my shoulders. Clarity set in. Being a paramedic wasn’t for me at this time, but it wasn’t off the cards altogether. I was only twenty-one and had a lot more living to do yet. Who knew where my future would lead me?

“Did I do the wrong thing?” Easton asked before he bit down on his bottom lip.

I threw my arms around his waist. “Thank you.”

“What?” he uttered, confusion in his tone.

Pulling back, I gave him an affectionate smile. “I’ve been in limbo. Sitting on the fence about this for so long. With you bringing me here, I can move on. Move forward.”

He exhaled loudly. “Oh, thank God. I thought I messed up big time and Texas was going to kick my butt.”

A snort sounded from behind him. “Not that I’d let it happen.”

Easton turned to Parker. “What are you doing out of the car?”

“Babe, I ain’t a dog. I can get out of the car on my own. I worried Maya was stranglin’ you.”

Laughing, I linked my arm through Easton’s, and together we walked to Parker and then the car.

Easton opened the door to the back seat for me. But before I got in, he took my wrist. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

Nodding, I hugged him tightly. “I’m the best I have been in a long time.” Not only did I have an answer, but I had Texas in my life… just the way I wanted him.

Once I’d reassuredTexas I was good after going to the depot, I took Easton and Parker to his place for a coffee, which I was sure also helped reassure Texas I was okay.

As we drank and chatted, I realised it was good to catch up with them. Even though they came to family barbeques at the compound, sometimes they couldn’t make it, while other times there wasn’t enough hours at the family event to see everyone there. To say our family was big was a huge understatement.

“How’s the tribe of dogs?”

Easton had the biggest heart and rescued dogs; he had about six of them the last time I heard.

Parker’s hand went from Easton’s thigh to wrap his arm around his lover’s shoulders.


Easton’s lips thinned. He tried to tip them up but failed. “We lost two recently. Old age. It happens.”

“But it still hurts all the same.”

He nodded. “It does.” He took a breath and changed the subject, which I understood. “So, have you and Texas moved in together?”

My cheeks heated as I laughed awkwardly. “No. It’s way too soon for that. We only started officially dating two days ago, or was it yesterday?” I shrugged. “One of those.”

Lila Rose's Novels