“Theywerethe good old days,”she snapped.

“To some people. To others, they were as bad as today is for you.”

“What will happen to me?” asked Martin, regaining her composure.

“Well, for starters, you won’t have to worry about housing for the rest of your life,” said Decker. “Or food. The government will be providing both.”

She held her chin high and stared pointedly at him. “I just wantedto live in peace and dignity. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. Doesn’t that matter?”

Decker eyed her back. “I’ve heard a lot of people say that over the years. Even the ones who put a gun against a guy’s head and pulled the trigger. So, no, it doesn’t matter at all.”

Lassiter said, “But if you testify against the others and help us build a case against them, thatwillhelp you. You might get some leniency.”

Martin looked at her. “Throwing a bone to your old Sunday school teacher, Donna?”

Lassiter shook her head. “You helped a drug ring pretty much slaughter this town, in exchange for money. So I just want to nail every one of these bastards. And if you can help us do that, great. If you can’t you can rot in prison for all I care.”

“I’ve really screwed everything up, haven’t I?”

Decker glanced at Jamison and then looked back at Martin.

“Well, maybe you can teach Bible classes in prison to redeem yourself.”

“Now you’re mocking me,” said Martin bitterly.

“No, I’m actually serious. And if you can help turn one life around?”

“Do you think that’s really possible?”

“After what I’ve seen in life, anything is possible.”