Chapter 68

DECKER, WE HAVEa big problem.”

Decker was in the truck driving away from the police building with Jamison when Kemper had called.


“I just got a call. We lost track of Ted Ross.”

Decker swore under his breath. “How the hell did that happen?”

“I honestly don’t know. He musthave found out we arrested Green and Martin and now he’s disappeared down a rabbit hole.”

“How about his old man?”

“Now that’s one card we might be able to play.”

“How so?”

“Fred Ross is sitting in a holding cell at the Baronville jail. I had him arrested based on the phone call from Alice Martin after Bond had phoned her. Now we have Martin’s evidence ofthe guy’s involvement in the murders of my two agents and the drug ring. We’ll arrange to have him transferred to a federal lockup shortly. But in the meantime, we’re going to grill him until he screams he wants a lawyer.”

“Then I suggest you wear earplugs.” He clicked off and threw his phone down on the front seat of their truck.

“Bad news?” Jamison asked.

He toldher.

“Okay, really bad news. What do you think Ted Ross is going to do?”

“For starters, he’s going to try to avoid the death penalty.”

“What do we do?”

“We go home and get Zoe and Amber and get them the hell out of Baronville.”

“Right.” Jamison stomped on the gas so hard, Decker’s head snapped back.


When they pulled into the driveway of the house, Decker noted that the cop was still stationed out front in his cruiser.

“Tell your sister to pack up and we’ll drive them someplace safe. I’m going to call Bogart and have him put some agents around them both.”

Jamison jumped out of the truck and ran into the house while Decker phoned Bogart and filled him in. They madearrangements to meet a team of FBI agents in Pittsburgh. It was dark now and would be darker still by the time they got there.

Decker put his phone away and studied the house. It was almost impossible to believe that just a short time ago he and Jamison had traveled here for some rest and relaxation.

If I survive this, I’m never taking another vacation in my life.

He checked his watch. They needed to get going, and he hoped that Jamison had told her sister and niece to just grab the essentials. They could get whatever else they needed in Pittsburgh.


He looked at the front porch and saw Jamison waving her hands at him.

He jumped out of the truck and raced up to the house.

“What is it?”