He sat down on the bed next to her, picked up the phone the kidnappers had left, and stared at it.


About the time that Decker and Jamison discovered the dead copoutside the Mitchells’ home, Donna Lassiter, three uniformed officers, and two DEA agents led Alice Martin and Detective Green out of the police station after they had been booked, photographed, and fingerprinted. The next stop would be jail, where each would be kept in an isolation cell until their arraignment.

The alleyway here had been closed off and Lassiter had men all around lookingfor threats.

Lassiter spoke into her phone as they exited the building from the rear and the transport vehicle immediately pulled up.

As they moved toward the vehicle Martin looked at her.

“I’m sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused.”

“Well, that really doesn’t matter. But what will matter is for you to make amends by testifying.”

“I understand.But I was wondering something.”


“Can the prison where I’m sent be close to my children?”

“Look, you’re hardly in a position to be making demands.”

“I know. And I don’t expect that it will happen, but I was only asking for your help. For your old Sunday school teacher?”

Lassiter sighed. “I have nothing to do with where you’ll be sent, butI can speak to someone about it. But it might not do any good. In fact, it probably won’t. But I will make a call.”

“Thank you for trying.”

“But my help is contingent on you testifying truthfully about all that you know.”

“I understand. I’m looking forward to it, actually. It’ll give me the opportunity to make penance. They said no one would get hurt. But they liedabout that.”

“Where did you think it was going to end?”

“I…I guess I never really thought about that.”

“Well, it’s a little late now.”

“Is it too late for me, Donna?”

Lassiter turned to look at her former partner.

“There’s nothing I can do for you.”

“I was just trying to get what was mine.”

“Nobody’s entitled to shit,Marty.”

“Been pounding the pavement for next to nothing all my life. Protecting the public. Hell, the public’s not worth putting my ass on the line for.”

“Well, you won’t have to worry about that anymore.”

The next instant, the long-range shot hit Martin directly in the chest, blowing a chunk of the woman out through her back. Blood and splintered bone smacked againstthe window of the transport truck.

Green screamed, but it died in his throat as the next round went through his head, taking a large piece of his brain with it.

“Shooter!” screamed Lassiter, pointing her gun in the direction from where the bullets had come. She managed to fire several shots.

The next bullets slammed into Lassiter and two others, dropping them allto the ground.