Chapter 69


But it was Decker’s phone, not the one left by the kidnappers.

He looked down at the number on the screen and swore.

He put the phone in speaker mode and barked, “I tried calling you.”

Kemper said, “I’m sorry, Decker. I was tied up. And this is turning into a real catastrophe.”

“Look, I can’t talk right now, I’ve—”

“Decker, haven’t you heard?”

“Heard what?” Decker thought she was referring to Amber and Zoe being taken, but he didn’t see how that was possible.

“We’ve got two dead that we know of.”

Decker tensed.Amber and Zoe? It can’t be.

“Who are you talking about?” he said between clenched teeth.

“An ambush while Martin and Green were being transported to jail.”

“They’re dead?”

“Yes. And Lassiter and two others were wounded and are in the hospital.”

“So, an inside job?”

“Appears to be. They knew where and when they were coming out of the building.”

“We’ve got other problems too.”

“Come again?”

Decker explained what hadhappened to the cop out front and the disappearance of Jamison’s family.

“Damn!” exclaimed Kemper. “I want these bastards so bad I can taste it.”

“All I care about is getting Amber and Zoe back safe.”

“Are there any clues to who might have taken them? Or where they might have gone?”

“No. I was waiting for them to call me when you phoned.”

“Youthink they were taken as a bargaining chip?”

“Yes. Otherwise they would have just killed them like they did the cop out front.”

“So what do you think they’ll ask for?”

“I’m sure they’ll tell me,” he said grimly.

“I’m going to get a BOLO out on them.”

“Okay,” said Decker absently.