“What do they want?” Jamison asked.

“They want an exchange.”

“An exchange? What does that mean?”

“Fred Ross for Amber and Zoe.”

“Why would they want Fred Ross?”

“Probably because he can testify against them.”

“But he’s in jail!”

“Then we need to get him out of jail.”


Decker was already on his phone.

Kemper answered on the first ring.

“They want Fred Ross in exchange for Amber and Zoe.”


“You’ll need to arrange for Ross to be released into our custody.”

“I can make that happen. Where and when do they want to meet?”

Decker told her and added, “The guy said if we bring anybody, Amber and Zoe are dead.”

“Decker, you’re not that naïve. You go there without any backup, you’re all dead.”

“Which is why you’re going to get therebefore us. You got a chopper available?”


“Then I suggest you fill it up with agents and get in position. When the crap hits the fan, it’s going to get hairy for everyone.”

“This is what we do for a living, Decker. See you on the other side.”

Decker clicked off and looked at Jamison.

She said, “They said not to bring anyone.”

“Iknow what they said. But they’re not going to let me just walk away with Amber and Zoe.”

Jamison looked up at him angrily. “You?! Do you really think I’d let you march in there alone? Where you go,Igo.”

Decker’s ringing phone interrupted this discussion.

He recognized the number and answered it.

Cindi Riley barked, “What the hell is going on?”

“With what?” he said. “And why are you calling so late?”

“Because you’re my last chance for John.”