Decker said, “What about him?”

“He finally let me pay his bail. But they still wouldn’t release him.”

“Why not?”

“Because they said Detective Lassiter had to sign off on it,” she said.

“That doesn’t make sense. But she’s in the hospital.She was shot.”

“No, she’s not in the hospital.”

Decker tensed. “What do you mean?”

“I mean they told me at the police station that she was in the hospital, so I called over there to talk to her. I was going to bring the paperwork there.”

“And what did they tell you?”

“That she checked herself out,” she said.

“Checked herself out?” saidan incredulous Decker. “She was shot, how could she check herself out?”

“I don’t know. But that’s what they said.”

“Have you tried calling her cell?”

“About a dozen times. No answer. What does this mean, Decker?”

He didn’t answer her right away. “It means that we’ll meet you at the jail in about ten minutes.”