As the boys all move around, I get knocked into and start to stumble when I feel Kade's hands at my waist pulling me toward him. The elevator doors shut, but he doesn't release me. If anything, his fingers dig into my waist, holding me. My whole body trembles at the contact. It's chaos all around us as the boys laugh and have a good time, and I look in front of me at the silver wall holding our reflection.

He's staring at me, and I lean my body back a little. I can feel his body heat surrounding me, and I try to savor the way that I feel right now because I know it's not going to last.

We get to our floor, and the doors open. The boys all walk out of the elevator and take off for the rooms. Everyone is making plans to meet up at the pool. Kade hollers down the hallway, "Boys, I ordered pizzas. Be downstairs in thirty."

They whoop and holler at the idea of pizza, and Kade continues, "Hey, Ty, your mom's going to help me set up." I wait for Ty to say something or to give me some kind of look that he's uncomfortable with it, but he doesn't.

He's too excited. He pulls the key card from his bag and holds it up. "I got the key, Mom. I'll see you downstairs." And then he's through the door.

Well, it's now or never. There's no more putting it off. It seems we're going to end up having this discussion now. I start to turn back toward the elevator, but Kade grabs my hand, pulling me in the opposite direction.

It takes me a minute, but then I figure out that he is leading me toward the stairwell. As soon as we get through the door and it closes behind us, he leans me against the wall. He has one hand at my neck and the other he's using to push the hair off of my face.

Breathless, as if I've ran a mile instead of just walked a few feet, I ask him, "What are you doing?"

He gazes into my eyes. "I'm looking at you right now."

I don't want to be, but I am self-conscious, and I ask him, "Why are you looking at me?"

He wraps one of my curls around his finger. "What I want to do is kiss you." He's staring at my lips, and I stick my tongue out and roll it across my lower lip. He groans, and the sound vibrates against my chest.

I should tell him no, but I've never felt anything like the pull that I feel right now, almost as if I would do anything at all to have his lips on mine. "Just a kiss?" I ask him.

He smirks and leans closer. His breath caresses my cheek. "I think you know better than that. It won't be just a kiss between us, Megan. You're all I think about. You're all I dream about. Right now, a kiss will give me something to hold on to until we have more time alone together."

He's so close all I would need to do is just move a fraction of an inch, and his lips would be mine. He has one hand stroking across my cheek. "I'm going to be up front with you because that's all I know how to be. I'm going to kiss you, take your mouth with mine, and show you how good we can be together, but it won't stop there. Anytime you see me, you'll know that I'm thinking about touching you, tasting you, making a fucking feast out of you."

My whole body trembles, and I whimper, "Yes."

Chapter 7


The kiss is explosive, but I knew it would be. I lean into her and devour her mouth. I had planned to start simple, but there's nothing simple about it. The sound of her whimpered “Yes” giving me permission to kiss her was my complete undoing. I have a hand on the wall on each side of her, caging her in. Our bodies touch one another, and her back arches as she presses her breast into my chest. Fuck, it's too much. It's too much when I know that the door could open at any point and someone could see us just like we are right now. I stroke her tongue with mine, tasting her, and then I force myself to pull back breathlessly. I cradle her in my arms, and I turn us around and lean my back into the wall, holding her against me. "Fuck, Megan," I groan. "I knew it would be like that. I want you, and I won't stop until you're mine."

She's looking up at me almost helplessly, and her eyes are glassy. "Kade, we can't. You're my son's coach."

My body stills at her denial. "The season's over after this tournament."