She shakes her head, but I cut her off, pulling her face into mine and kissing her again. This time when I pull back, I don't give her any space to deny what's happening here. "There's no excuse you could come up with, Megan. We both want this."

Indecision fills her face. I wait for her to deny what we both want, but her words surprise me. "No one can know.”

I don't like it. Fuck. I don't like it at all. There's no way I want to hide what is happening between us. It's not right. And it's definitely not the way to start any type of relationship. But if that's all she's willing to give me right now, then I'll take it. "Fine. For now, we can keep it between us."

I stroke my thumb across her lower lip. "But eventually, we are going to stop hiding, Megan." I kiss her again. It's impossible to be this close to her and not have my lips on hers. "Fuck. The things I want to do to you," I whisper against her mouth.

My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I try to ignore it. But I know I have a team of boys that will be waiting on the pizza. I pull it from my pocket, and the text alert lets me know that the pizza has been delivered to the lobby. With a groan, I tell her, "The pizza is downstairs." And that's all it takes for her to pull from my arms.

I'm sure it's a blind reminder of all the responsibilities she has. She's probably going to regret this, but I'm going to do everything I can to stop that from happening. I grab on to her hand and lace our fingers together. We walk down the stairwell, both of us quiet, lost in our thoughts. When I open the door that leads to the lobby, she pulls her hand from mine and looks at me almost sadly. She wants to hide us, and I want to scream from the rooftops that she’s mine. The thing she doesn’t know is that I always get what I want, and when it comes to her, there’s no chance I’m giving up now.

Chapter 8


By the time we grab the pizzas and head out to the pool, the boys are already out there. I start filling plates with pizza, and they all sit around and eat. Once the boys all have their plates piled high, the adults join in. Everyone is laughing, having a good time and still talking about the big win today.

The whole time I'm sitting here, I can feel Kade's eyes on me. Kimber goes out of her way to try and get his attention, but he brushes her off easily. I hate to even think about it; I've been in this situation before. My ex-husband cheated on me, and so I know that I have trust issues. But watching Kade with Kimber, I feel a calm come over me.

Maybe it was that kiss. If I touch my lips, I can still feel the warmth of his lips on mine. Or maybe it's the way he talked dirty to me in the stairwell, letting me know exactly what he wanted to do to me. Whatever it is, it's a feeling that I don't want to let go of.

Some of the adults grab some drinks from the bar inside. Everyone is hanging around and talking while the boys play. Eventually, Kade and I find ourselves in seats next to each other. His hand is grasping the arm of his chair, and I can't help but think he's wanting to reach for me, but he's holding back. When I look at him, his eyes tell me that's exactly what he wants to do.

I'm about to disappear and hope he follows me when Coach Killian hollers for the boys to let them know there's a fifteen-minute time limit. "Everyone in your rooms. We have an early game tomorrow, and we need to be fresh for it. This team we're playing tomorrow is going to be a challenge, but I know we're up for it."

The normal groans you would hear when you tell teenage boys to get out of a pool are nowhere to be heard. I think they understand the importance of letting their bodies rest.

We all start loading up in elevators to go upstairs to our rooms. Kade and I are once again in the elevator with the boys surrounding us. He keeps his hands to himself this time, but I can feel his body heat against me. And just that feeling alone takes me back to the way he touched me in the stairwell.

Ty and Ben are talking nonstop down the hallway. Ben walks into his room. Kade stops at his door. And then Ty and I walk into ours. I no sooner get into my room than my phone dings, alerting me that I have a new message. I open the messaging app and read the text as I feel blood rush to my head. It's from Kade, and it says, "I want to see you."