After a fifteen-minute conversation with Ty convincing him that even though he was in the pool, he still needs to get into the shower to get cleaned off, he finally understands that I’m not giving in on this. Wow, teenagers are trying at times.

As soon as I hear the water turn on, I'm at the door that connects our room to Kade's. I expect his door to be closed and that I may have to knock, but I'm surprised when I open the door and he's standing there, hands on the door jamb above him.

He's massive compared to me, and I stare up at him, not even trying to hide the attraction that I feel for him. He pulls me into the room and shuts the door easily behind us. With my back against the wall, he presses into me and takes my mouth with his. The kiss is exhilarating, and I arch my body into his, wanting more.

He deepens the kiss, and I don’t want to let go, but he pulls back suddenly and leans his forehead against mine. "That was hell, Megan. Being that close to you and not able to touch you. Watching as the other men admired you and talked to you. I wanted to stake my claim. I want everyone to know that you're mine."

Even though I appreciate what he's saying, and I pretty much feel the same way whenever I see Kimber flirting with him, I know that I don't have the luxury to just jump into this. I have my son to think about. "We can't, Kade. It's too much, too fast. We need to slow it down."

He nods his head and kisses me again. "I can slow down, but I can't go backwards. After tasting you, feeling your lips on mine, there's no going back." The look he's giving me tells me that he's sincere. I go to my tiptoes, lace my hands around the back of his neck, and pull him down to me, kissing him again.

His touch brings me to a whole other level. I savor the kiss because I know that it is not going to last. I need to get back to my room. Who knows if and when Kade may change his mind about us, but I’m not foolish enough to believe there could possibly be more than this.

Chapter 9


We were at the field bright and early this morning. I had hoped that Megan would ride into town with the boys and me, but she stayed back and rode with Krissy. Probably better this way because Ty is pitching a few innings for us. From previous games, I know that she gets nervous. And as soon as she sees him take the mound, she's up out of her seat, pacing back and forth. I know it's a mom thing and she's uneasy, but there's no reason to be. Ty is a good pitcher. He can handle whatever comes back at him.

I try to keep my mind focused on the game, but some guy has stopped next to Megan and is talking to her. We have two outs, and I'm standing at the edge of the dugout, trying to call in pitches while at the same time keeping my eye on Megan. I can feel the frustration fill me. Luckily, the ball is hit right back to Ty. He catches it on the bounce and throws to first, getting the third out. Immediately, I'm out of the dugout, fist-bumping players as they run from the field to the dugout.

When I walk behind home plate to third base so I can coach our runners, my eyes never leave Megan. She laughs at something the guy says, and my hands form into fist at my sides. I'm calling in signs to the batters, trying to stay in the game, but it’s impossible. I’ve never been a possessive type of guy, but with Megan I suddenly am.

The whole inning, he stands in the same spot next to her, obviously trying for her attention. He's some random dad from another team that probably got here early to watch our game. The first two in our lineup are struck out. When Benny comes up, he hits it over the shortstop's head and makes it to first base. I clap, but honestly, I'm frustrated. I'm ready for this inning to be over with. Ty, our cleanup hitter, comes up to bat. On the first hit, he hits a triple, Benny scores, and Ty slides into third but is safe. He pops up on the base with a huge smile on his face, and I give him a high-five. “Way to hit it, Ty.”

Without even looking, I can hear Megan over everyone else, screaming and hollering for him. The crowd for our side is going wild. We are up, one to nothing.