Page 223 of Taken Princess

I turn and run through the kitchen.

Right to the side door.

I rip it open and rush outside.

The house is old, shitty, and the outside is just the same.

Everything is overgrown, dead, rotting, and there’s a smell that hits me that makes me want to throw up.

It smells like a dead animal and cat pee.

I run as fast as I can to the front of the house.

There’s nobody there.

I choose Cullen’s SUV and get behind the wheel.

I step on the gas pedal and press the button to start it.

The SUV starts!

That means the key thing is somewhere in the SUV.

I grab the steering wheel and look at Faye’s house again.

It’s old, dirty, and sad.

Inside is the woman who took care of me.

Inside are the three guys I am in love with.

Yes, I still love Seth.

If he says he had to protect me, I guess I believe him.

But this entire mess?

“I can’t do it,” I say.

I step on the gas pedal and the SUV moves.

I catch myself going way too slow at first.

Regret and guilt tugging at my heart.

Begging me to go back.

At least go back and get Cullen and Archer.


But I can’t do that.

They need know who I am.

I need to know who I am.

Right now, I’m still Jaci Ruby.

Jaxson Kidman's Novels