Page 63 of Dirty Princess

Rowe put his arm around Brianna.

“Love birds,” I whisper.

Both Darby and Rowe each produce a switchblade.

A flick of their wrists and the blade pops free.

“Cut her fucking hair off,” Ava whispers.

“Cut her nose off,” Brianna says.

“I don’t have time forThorns,” I say. “Do you know who I am?”

I put my guitar down behind me, in its case, and stand up from the table I’m sitting at.

I’m a little nervous.

This wholeI’m an Heirthing doesn’t mean a lot to me just yet. But I will throw it around if it saves my life.

“You can’t fucking touch me,” I say. “Savages. Thorns.”

“She’s right,” a voice says from behind me.

I step to the side and turn so I can keep everyone in my line of vision.

Archer is standing on the table.

His hands in the pockets of a nice leather jacket.

He’s monstrous.


Fucking horrible.

He swings his left foot and kicks the guitar and its case off the table.

I gasp and watch as Archer steps from the table, right onto the body of the guitar as hard as he can.

His foot goes right through the body.

The strings all pop.

The hollow body makes a dying sound.

The neck snaps up for a second before hitting the ground again.

Archer just keeps walking.

With one head nod, that’s the command to Darby and Rowe to walk away.

They turn, taking Ava and Brianna with them.

Archer looks back at me for a second.

He curls his lip.

Then he just keeps walking.

Jaxson Kidman's Novels