Page 62 of Dirty Princess

“Your family, Jaci,” Birdie says.

“I don’t know who my family is,” I say.

“You will,” Maz says. “I’m sure you will.”

“For the record, we have no idea who your family is,” Birdie says.

“Fuck all the rules,” I say. “Fuck class too. I’m going to take a shower, then I’m going to play my new guitar.”

“That’s what I like to hear,” Maz says.

“I still can’t believe Cullen did this,” Birdie says. “He’s staking his claim, Jaci. I hope you realize that. Making it known you’re off limits to anyone else.”

“I’m not a prize at a carnival,” I say. “I’ll decide what I want and when I want it.”

Maz smiles.“Such a badass.”

Isit under a pavilion that’s named for some guy I never heard of.

I’m messing around with the guitar, picking up on old routines.

I’m not good but I’m also not crappy.

I can’t learn songs by ear but I can look them up and figure out how to strum the chords.

There’s zero urge in me to do anything with this guitar other than strum it.

I don’t want to be a famous singer or rock star chick.

That’s not me.

I always liked playing guitar just because it distracts me.

My mind has no choice but to focus on something else.

Sometimes I get so distracted, I lose track of time and my surroundings.

Kind of like right now…

When I see the first guy step into the pavilion, it’s far too late.

There’s not just him.

There’s another guy.

Both are now in front of me.

“Savages,” I say. “Right?”

“Darby,” one says, pointing to himself.

“Rowe,” the other says.

Two girls push from behind them.

Ava and Brianna.

Darby puts his arm around Ava.

Jaxson Kidman's Novels