Page 122 of One Fine Duke

One of the Inspector’s men burst into the room. “Inspector Langley, Your Grace,” he huffed, out of breath.

“What is it, Rummage?” said the Inspector.

“The gentleman, Lord Rafe, he’s been captured.”

Drew groaned. “I thought you said they welcomed him on board.”

“They did, Your Grace, but then we saw him fighting on the deck with one of the smugglers. He fought bravely but they overwhelmed him. They trussed him up and took him down below.”

“As I said, not much of a plan,” grumbled Drew.

“We’ll have to rescue him,” Mina said, her heart sinking.

“Le Triton has a hostage now. This isn’t good,” said Inspector Langley.

Mina’s mind sprang to action. Rafe was a hostage. They needed a bargaining chip. They needed... her.

“Gentlemen, here’s the situation,” she said. Everyone turned toward her. “I know Le Triton. I know the way his mind works. There’s something you don’t know. My uncle and Le Triton have a long history of enmity, my uncle being the president of the Society of Antiquaries and Le Triton being an antiquities thief. Le Triton knows about me, and he knows that my capture would wound my uncle. I could be your bargaining chip.”

“You said we would help Rafe capture Le Triton,” said Drew. “Nothing was said about you sacrificing yourself as bait. I’ll be the one to draw his attention.”

“It can’t be you, Your Grace,” she said evenly. “If he knows that you’re here, he’ll know the value of his hostage, your brother.”

“Very true, MissPenny,” said Langley. “You’ll have to stay in hiding, Your Grace.”

“I’m not going to stay in hiding,” Drew burst out.

“You won’t be hiding,” Mina assured him. “I have a plan. As I was saying, I have more value to Le Triton as a hostage than Lord Rafe does because of Le Triton’s enmity with my uncle. Here’s my proposal. Inspector Langley and I engage with Le Triton and his men from the shore. We say we know that he’s holding Lord Rafe. We distract him with my presence. I know him. I know what he’ll do. Quite possibly he’ll offer to make a bargain, a trade.”

“You’ll never offer yourself as a hostage,” said Drew with ice in his voice. “I won’t let you.”

“I didn’t say I’d offer myself. I saidhewould offer forme. Inspector Langley, you’ll play this as if all you’re doing is defending England’s shores from smugglers. You’ll pretend to be bribable. You won’t know who he is and what a prize his capture would be. You’ll pretend to waiver, to be swayed by the offer he’ll make you. He thinks all men and women can be bought.”

“I think I’m beginning to understand,” said Drew. “While you’re distracting him, I’ll sneak on board the ship with some of your men, Inspector, and rescue Rafe.”

“And then I’ll capture Le Triton,” said Langley with satisfaction. “It’s a good plan.”

“It’s our only plan,” said Mina. “And we must hurry.”


The red-gold sun slid behind jagged black cliffs.

Mina, Drew, and Inspector Langley crouched behind an outcropping of rocks, watching the smugglers unloading crates down a ramp and into a wagon. The rowboat Drew would take to rescue Lord Rafe bobbed in the water nearby.

“I don’t think this is what Sir Malcolm meant when he entrusted you to my care and I swore to protect you,” Drew whispered in her ear.

“I can do this. I might look small and defenseless but you know that I’m not.”

“You’re not.” He grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly. “If your parents could see you right now, I know they would be so very proud.”

A lump rose in her throat. “You don’t have to go to the ship, Drew. There’s no shame in staying here.”

His jaw clenched. “Of course I’m going to the ship. I’m not letting you face this alone.”

“I know it won’t be easy for you to board the ship because of the kidnapping.”

“Rafe’s being held on that ship. He could be chained in the hold, scared and helpless. He might think he’s going to die. Of course I have to do this. You know I do.”