Page 123 of One Fine Duke

She nodded and gave his hand an answering squeeze.

“It’s time, Your Grace,” said Inspector Langley, interrupting them.

“Be careful.” She wanted to kiss him. She had to let him go.

He crept toward the rowboat with Corbyn and one of Langley’s officers, keeping to the cover of rocks. He climbed into the rowboat, one of the men untied the rope, and they glided away into the darkness.

Mina and Inspector Langley waited in the dark, watching the men unload the cargo.

“Don’t worry, MissPenny. They won’t be watching the back of the ship—all of their focus is on unloading the cargo swiftly.”

“That’s Le Triton on the deck,” whispered Mina. “The one in the gray cloak.”

“It’s almost time to set the plan in motion.” Langley signed something to his men and they fanned out on either side of them. They would keep to the shadows while she and Langley spoke with Le Triton.

“Le Triton,” shouted Langley, standing up from behind the cover of the rock. “You’re surrounded. Surrender now and it will go easier on you.”

The men on the ramp and in the boats all jumped to attention, drawing knives and pistols.

“Who’s there?” asked Le Triton in French-accented English.

“Inspector Langley of the London Metropolitan Police!”

“You’re a long way from London, Inspector.”

“I’m the Inspector for the Mayfair District. I believe you’re holding one of my constituents. Lord Rafe Bentley.”

“We know you have Lord Rafe,” Mina said, rising partially above the rock. She’d drawn her pistol when everyone else had drawn theirs.

“And who might you be, mademoiselle?” called Le Triton.

“I’m Lord Rafe’s betrothed.”

“Very interesting. I have another lady on board who claims to be betrothed to him.”

A lovely lady with black hair and flashing green eyes appeared on deck. “Exactement. Lord Rafe, he is promised to me.”

“Well he can’t marry both of you, ladies,” said Le Triton with a nasty laugh. “At least not in jolly old England. Shall we have a fight to the death?”

The smugglers laughed roughly, shouting encouragement.

“I’d win that fight,” said Mina.

“Pah,” spat MissLachance. “I think not.”

“Well, well. All of this fuss over one wicked lord,” said Le Triton. “Go back below deck, Olivia, and wait for me there. Perhaps I’ll bring you the lady to play with later.”

MissLachance disappeared.

“Mademoiselle, you haven’t yet told me your name,” called Le Triton.

“I’m MissWilhelmina Penny. I believe that you know my uncle, Sir Malcolm Penny.”

That nasty laugh again. “Ah. This does change everything. I’ve been waiting a very long time to meet you, MissPenny.”

“And I’ve been waiting to meet you. Now let my fiancé go.”

“It won’t be that easy, and you know it,” he replied. “Inspector Langley, shall we have a conversation man-to-man? Leave the ladies out of it. Come aboard and you have my word that you’ll be unharmed.”