Page 124 of One Fine Duke

“Don’t listen to him,” Mina said, turning to Langley. “He’s a thief and a smuggler.”

“Ah, my reputation precedes me to England,” said Le Triton.

“We know you have smuggled cargo,” called Langley. “And I’m not boarding your ship for all the assurances in the world. My men have you covered. Surrender or face cold, hard British steel.”

“I have a better idea,” said Le Triton, his voice carrying clearly on the breeze.

I’ll wager you do, she thought. This was all going according to plan.

“I’ll exchange Lord Rafe for MissPenny, Inspector. And half of my cargo. You will be the hero who defended the coast of Britain and saved a duke’s brother. I go back to France never to return.”

Even though Mina had known that Le Triton would make the suggestion, it still chilled her to the bone. What would he do to her if he captured her?

That wasn’t going to happen. They had a good plan. Drew must be on board by now. Once he rescued Rafe, Langley would move in and take the ship.

“You must be mad,” said Langley. “I’ll never give you MissPenny.”

“Don’t be a fool, Inspector. She’s only a chit of a girl. Let me see you more clearly, MissPenny.”

Langley shook his head violently but Mina decided to risk everything. She rose higher above the rock until she was standing. She flung off her cloak to reveal her scarlet gown. “I’m not afraid of you, Le Triton.”

“You don’t have to be. Let’s go on an adventure together, no? Come with me back to France. I have uses for a young girl of your beauty and obvious intelligence.”

“Stop right there,” said Langley.

“I’ll wager that I have more men than you do, Inspector Langley. And I’d wager they’re more desperate. And they fight dirty, don’t you boys?”

Shouts from the ragged and rough-looking smugglers.

“No one has to know about the girl, Inspector,” said Le Triton. “Who’s to even tell that she was here? MissPenny for half my cargo and the chance to be a hero. She’ll be unharmed, I give you my word.”

Inspector Langley pretended to waver, to be swayed by the idea of riches and glory. “What’s in your cargo?”

“Rare artworks and antiquities. One of the paintings in this hold would be more than your life pension. And I have an even greater prize. The Wish Diamond.” He pulled the diamond out from his collar, holding it up by a silver chain. “I’m sure you’ve heard of it. It’s worth a king’s ransom. It’s certainly worth more than one little girl.”

“How dare you, sir,” Mina sputtered. “Don’t listen to him, Inspector. He’s trying to trick you.”

“How much did you say that diamond is worth?” asked Langley.

“How can you ask him that, Inspector?”

Le Triton’s laughter made her shudder. “I’m afraid we all have our price, MissPenny.”

Follow Mina’s plan. Don’t deviate from it.

Don’t think about her bravely facing all of those evil men carrying pistols and knives.

She’s no damsel in distress. She doesn’t require rescuing. Rafe does.

It wasn’t the belly of the ship that Drew was afraid of—it was his own mind. His mind held him captive, trapped in the past. And he could break that hold right here, right now.

Drew scaled the hull of the ship, working silently and swiftly. Hand over hand. Grip the rope, muscles knotting, heart pounding.

Don’t think about anything except rescuing Rafe. Everything else was in the past.

This wasn’t the same ship where he’d been held. His palm slipped against the rope and he nearly fell. Darkness danced at the edges of his eyes. His chest tightened.

Steady now. Remember to breathe.