We filter out of the carriage, and the forest welcomes me. Like a gentle embrace, its magic tells me I’m wanted.

“Wait,” I say to Brahm before he and Alaric take the two men.

I step up to Lord Cavinder. “I will make a deal with you.”

“A deal?” he asks, swallowing hard.

“You can spend the rest of your life in one of our prisons or serve the next five years as an illanté—the same amount of time as the troupe you sold has spent here.”

“Tethered to whom?” he asks, his eyes widening with terror.

I nod toward Ian.

Lord Cavinder begins to frantically shake his head.

“The choice is yours,” I say, starting down the lane that will lead me to Brahm’s manor.

“Wait!” Lord Cavinder cries. “All right—I agree.”

My magic latches onto the agreement, making it binding.

I turn back, smiling. “Brahm, make sure you throw them in the same cell.”

“On what grounds are you arresting me?” Ian demands, fighting against my magic. But he was right—he’s no match for me.

I step up to him. “You attempted to blackmail me. Be glad I’m not my mother—she would execute you.”

“Sabine!” he yells as Brahm and Alaric drag him and Lord Cavinder away.

I turn to Alex. “Are you all right?”

He nods, wincing as he moves.

“Let’s go inside.”

We walk the lane, leaving the carriage at the gate. Regina runs down the entry steps as soon as we reach the manor.

My older cousin doesn’t stop until she reaches us, and then she throws her arms around me. “Where have you been?”

Alice hovers near the doorway, smiling but looking as if she’s not sure she’s welcome. She offers me a hesitant wave, and then she comes down the steps.

“You’re back,” she says.

“I am.”

She steps closer, pausing to make sure Brahm hasn’t returned. “Your brother was so angry he threatened to throw away everything you’ve collected in your room.”

I gasp, immediately preparing for battle.

She gives me a conspiratorial look. “But I didn’t let him.”

“Thank you for saving my things.” Feeling awkward, I study her. I’ve resented her for many reasons, but mostly because she’s human. Perhaps it’s time I finally accept her place in my family.

“Did you find what you were looking for in Valsta?” she asks.

I glance at Alex. “I did.”

She follows my eyes, and she smiles.