Introductions commence, and we eventually go into the manor’s grand foyer.

“You are safe in West Faerie,” I say to Alex, Frederick, and Phillip, breathing magic into the words. “Always.”

The three men nod, though they look around, hesitant to believe me.

I step up to Frederick. “I’m sorry about your father.”

He hangs his head. “Thank you for the short sentence. It was less than he deserved.”

I set my hand on his arm. “I need you to promise me something.”

He looks up. “What?”

“Tell Candace how you feel. Don’t let her marry Charles when you still care for each other.”

A smile flickers across his face. “Will you come to our wedding?”

“No.” Tears sting my eyes as I shake my head. “But I expect you to bring her here for a visit once you’re married.”

“I will,” he promises.

He suddenly pulls me into a hug, making Regina and Alice gasp. “I’ll miss you.”

I pat his back awkwardly, my heart aching. “You too.”

When he lets me go, he clears his throat and turns his watery gaze away.

I look at Phillip next. “I cannot thank you enough for what you did.”

He lowers his gaze to his hands. “I just did what felt right, Miss Sabine.” He falters, looking around. “I mean…Your Majesty.”

“You’ve accepted your birthright, haven’t you?” Brahm says as he joins us. “We felt it.”

I nod.

“It’s about time,” Regina says. “The court was a mess without you.”

“I left Drake in charge,” I say. “What did he do in my absence?”

“What do you think he did?” Brahm rolls his eyes. “He planted roses.”

I laugh, shaking my head at the absurd thought.

Finally, I turn to Alex. “I need to heal your wounds.”

Brahm steps in front of him, furrowing his brow. “Why do you look familiar?”

“He performed on my sixteenth birthday in the garden,” I say. “Alex, this is Brahm. Brahm, Alex.”

Alex gives my brother an uncertain nod.

“Come with me,” I say to him.

But Alex continues to eye Brahm, unsure my brother will allow it.

“Don’t worry about him,” I say, teasing Brahm as I take Alex’s hand. “I outrank him now.”

We only make it partway down a hall before Alex directs me into an empty room and pulls me into his arms.

“You’re hurt,” I whisper.

“I don’t care.”

I rest my head against his shoulder with a sigh. Gently, Alex tilts my head up. Our lips meet, as comforting as his embrace. Alex’s kiss is warm and soft, and it chases away the last of my anxiousness.

Wrapping my arms around his waist, I rest against him, savoring each sweet moment. Soon, I’ll have to step into my new role.

But not yet.