“I don’t think, I know. He is responsible for Kingsley dying and for me losing the best deal I’ve ever had,” he growls.

“Drugs?” I ask.

“You know damn well it was, stop being so fucking obtuse.”

I smile, tossing my smoke. “Good enough.”

Before he can question what I mean, the federal agents rush in and grab him. He looks at me with wide, questioning eyes. “What the fuck did you do?”

“Revenge,” I say, smirking as my club rushes to my side.

“This is bullshit. He set me up. It’s all a lie,” he yells.

I turn to face Porter and Finn, nodding. “Thank you.”

A beautiful young woman comes running over and Finn stops her just before she reaches us. I glance over to Porter and his eyes are wide as he takes her in. Damn, I can’t imagine how that feels.

Another guy comes over and she hugs him. Christ, just what we need. Brooks steps forward, extending his hand. The guy shakes it as he looks at each of us.

“Thank you,” Brooks says.

“Anything for my little girl,” he says.

Porter steps forward and Zane puts his hand on his chest. “You mean my little girl.”


Her head snaps around and her eyes are wide. “What?”

“Let’s go! We’re finished here,” Brooks yells.

We all walk away and I should feel better than I do, but poor Porter is hurting now. He doesn’t stay either; he leaves with the rest of us. Leaving his daughter with the man that raised her.

When we get back to Souls it’s like a fucking weight is gone. We get inside and the excitement in the air is heavy.

Gillian wraps her arms softly around me and kisses my lips. “It’s over?”

I wince as I lift my arms, sinking my fingers into her silky, black hair. “It’s over, baby girl.” She searches my face, fighting back tears of relief. I grin as I place a soft kiss to her plump lips. “I had a lot of time to think while I was away. All the things I said I never wanted or didn’t think were important, I realize how ridiculous that was. The only thing that truly matters is being with you and making you happy for the rest of my life. So I’m gonna marry you, baby girl and I’m gonna knock you up and we are both going to be happy for the rest of our fucking lives.”

She cries, burying her face into my neck. I never thought I’d be at a point in my life where I’d want it all, but I do with Gillian. I want to give her everything she wants out of life because she’s given me a life I am happy to live every day.

We’ve been through hell and came out on the other side.

Happier, stronger, and more in love.


Six months later


* * *

I roll over and stare at the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. She’s passed out after a night of drinking and fucking. I can’t sleep and like most nights, I just watch her while she dreams peacefully. It calms me.

Her engagement ring catches the light of the lamp and I grin. She did not expect me to propose, especially in front of everyone on a Friday night while Souls was packed. We haven’t set a date or made any plans yet. I’m just happy she’s mine and she says she’s just happy to know this relationship is going somewhere.

The last few months have been a whirlwind. After agent dickweed was arrested, I heard he didn’t make it a night before guys he put there got their revenge. Not sorry to say I’m fucking glad he suffered before he died. That prick deserved everything he got. The other agent that got me out ended up being on the wrong end of a takedown and he got killed. Seems all these agents are dirty, but I’m so grateful it’s over.