“Looking for something?”

I scream and spin around. Sal grabs my arm before I can move, pulling me against him. “Fuck you,” I hiss.

“Such a dirty mouth, Harper girl,” he whispers, running his nose up my neck. It physically makes me shiver in disgust. “What am I going to do with you?”

“You’re gonna fucking let me go. I’m here for my father and when he finds out you’ve got your hands on me, you’re fucking dead,” I hiss. I’m willing to try anything at this point to escape. I’ll use my bastard of a father if I need to.

He laughs a manic laugh and pulls my arm tighter behind my back. “You’re a lying bitch. I was put on watch to wait for you to show up. You’ve switched sides, Harper girl.” He tisk, tisk, tisks me and moves his mouth to my ear. “I’m to call Kingsley as soon as I have you.” My heart is beating so fast I think I must be close to having a heart attack. They fucking know. “But I think I deserve some fun before I make that phone call,” he whispers.

Ice runs in my veins and my body goes rigid. “You’ll be killed for putting your hands on me,” I say, trying to sound much stronger than I fell.

He pushes his hard dick against my ass and once again laughs. “Not anymore, Harper girl. You’ll be dead long before me. But don’t worry, I’ll make sure you have one last good fuck before that.”

He lifts me and I struggle against him. I throw my head back, but he moves his and I hit his shoulder. I try kicking at him, but he keeps walking without missing a beat. This clearly isn’t the first time he’s grabbed a woman against her will. Sick son of a bitch.

My heart stops in my chest when he stops in front of the room. He’s going to lock us in, I will have absolutely no where to escape to. The fear is making it hard to breath as he pushes open the door. I try kicking off the door jamb, but he pushes us forward. I realize there is only one way to survive.

“Fine,” I scream. “Fine, Sal. You win, just please not in here.”

He throws me to the bed and laughs. “I can’t trust the words of a traitor.” He turns around closing the door behind us, which means it can now only be opened from the outside. I’ve never felt fear like I do in this moment. Complete darkness, no escape, I can’t breathe. I’m shaking as I hear his footsteps. “You always liked when I locked you in here with me as a kid, Harper girl.”

“Stop fucking calling me that,” I hiss.

He laughs and I hear his pants hit the ground. “You always loved that name.” I feel him moving closer to the bed, but I’ve moved to stand behind it. “We need a little light, huh? I wanna see how much you love what I’m gonna do to you.”

When he turns on the flashlight of his phone, I pull the trigger, unloading my entire clip into him. I’m screaming as each bullet hits him, causing him to drop the phone and fall to the ground. Ten rounds of nine millimeter bullets riddle his body. I fall to the ground, screaming as I sob. I grab his phone, tears pouring down my cheeks and see his dead, bloody body on the floor.

I’m trapped. When someone finds me, they’ll see the safe open, they’ll find Sal dead, they’ll find out I’m a traitor. My entire body is shaking with fear. I need to save myself.

I turn Sal’s phone on and thank God when there is no password. My fear of being trapped in this dark room with no escape and a dead man outweighs calling Zane. I dial his number and it rings twice.

“Who’s the fuck is this?”

“Zane,” I sob.

“Harper, what the fuck? What happened?” His demeanor changes immediately.

I scream and sob, needing him more than I’ve ever needed him before. “I need help. I’m in the room at my club. I killed Sal, I’m gonna die. They’re gonna kill me. There’s no light, no windows, the door is locked from the outside. I’m gonna die in here, Zane. Help me, oh my God, please hurry.”

“I’m on my way, babe, just breathe. You’re not gonna die, I’m coming,” he says with fear in his soft voice.

“I’m so scared,” I cry, my body wracking with sobs. “You’ll never get here in time. I should’ve listened to you, fuck. I’m gonna die in the room. Everything horrible happens here.”

“Babe, I’m coming. You aren’t going to die. I won’t let you die,” he cries. “Just stay quiet.”

“How long? I can’t be in here. I need to get out, I can’t breathe in here,” I scream.

“Fuck, Harper. Please try to calm down. I’m coming, just breathe baby, please.”

I want to, but I can’t. He’ll never make it before the others come in the morning. “I love you, Zane. I’m sorry.”

“Harper, no. Harper,” he screams.

I hang up and the room goes dark.

Chapter 15
