I’ve never felt fear and pain the way I do right now. We were only a few hours out, so we all turned around, even Brooks. I don’t give a fuck right now, my only thought is getting to her. I have no idea what the fuck happened and I want to be pissed she didn’t listen to me, but I can’t. The thought that she’s in trouble or dead, it’s choking me. So when we pull up to Club Kingsley, I drop my bike and run for the door.

“Z, fucking wait,” Brooks yells.

I don’t listen. I grab the door, yanking hard because it’s locked.

“Z, let Riley make sure the cameras are off, slow down. Think with a clear head,” Brooks says, squeezing my shoulder.

I turn around, anger bristling off of me. “My head has never been more clear. My girl is gonna die and it’s my fault. She could be fighting for her life right now, screaming for me. I could be too late,” I scream, tears stinging my eyes. The only other time I’ve cried is when my father died. I can’t let the tears fall, I refuse. “My head has never been so clear.”


ras are off, go,” Riley yells.

I break the glass on the door and run inside. There’s no one here and I have no fucking idea where I’m going. All she said was she was in the room and it locked from the outside. My legs are burning as I race around looking.

“Harper,” I scream. I hear nothing so I keep looking.

Everyone has caught up to me and we are in a hallway in the back. We’re all looking in rooms and it comes up empty. Brooks goes into what I assume is Kingsley’s office but I don’t stop.

“Look for a room with a lock outside of it,” I yell. “Harper, babe.”

“Here,” Kace shouts and I turn around.

I run to the door and it does have a lock on the outside. I hit the door and press my ear against it. “Harper? Baby, hit the door so I know you’re alive,” I choke out. I turn to look at the guys behind me. “Find me something to get this fucking lock off, fuck.”

Knocking on the door has my body sag with relief. “Fuck, holy shit she’s alive,” I say, looking at Kace.

“She’s alive, brother. Let’s get her the fuck out of here.”

“I’m here, Harper. I promised you, I’m here. I’m gonna get you out, just a few minutes,” I yell.

Once again there is light knocking on the door. I close my eyes and rest my forehead on the heavy metal door. What kind of fucking shit is going on? What the fuck is this room? I will her to hear my thoughts, promising her I will never let her go. That I will kill everyone that comes near her again.

“Here.” Alex hands me bolt cutters.

I grab them and easily snap the lock off the chain and pull it off. I pull the door open and she screams. Before I can take a step to her, she jumps into my arms and I fall to the ground holding her. She is sobbing, digging her fingers into me.

“Oh, babe, it’s alright. I’m here, I’m here now,” I whisper, swallowing the lump in my throat. My arms hold her tighter to me than I ever have. I bury my face in her neck and for the second time in my life, I cry.

“Z, we need to clean this shit up. I’m sorry, man,” Porter whispers.

I pull my face away from Harper, but I refuse to let her go. “Alex, get that piece of shit wrapped up and call Finn to bring the van. Porter and Riley, clean up any mess in that room. Kace, go find me Brooks. Hurry the fuck up, all of you. I need to get Harper the fuck out of here.”

They all rush to do what I said. Harper is still crying in my arms and I kiss her lightly on her head. “Babe, I’m gonna get you out of here. I promise, not much longer.”

Brooks and Enzo come down the hall and their eyes are on fire. I can’t let her go, I won’t. She hasn’t said a word and she’s still sobbing into my neck.

“Get her to the club, we’ll handle this,” Brooks says with a nod. “We’ll talk when everyone gets back.” I lift my chin and stand, holding her against me. I start walking down the hallway and Brooks calls my name. “He’s fucking dead.”

Finn brought us back to the club, Sal’s body wrapped in plastic in the back. I want to beat his ass for not watching her, but that can’t happen right now. When he pulls up to Souls, I climb out and head inside. He goes back to the guys and I carried Harper to my room. Once inside, I sit in the chair. “Babe, please, look at me,” I beg. She hasn’t spoken or lifted her head. She has stopped sobbing, it’s just gentle crying now. Unfortunately, the second her face lifts, I wish she’d kept it hidden. Her face is red from crying, tears staining her cheeks, blood splattered around. Her eyes are haunted, fear I’ve never seen before staring back at me. “Oh fuck.” I hold her tighter to me and rock her gently.

“They know,” she croaks out.

“Who knows what?” I question.

She begins to cry harder and I fucking hate this for her. “Vegas Kings know I’m with you. I’m a traitor, I’m dead.”

“Look at me.” She lifts her red eyes to me and I kiss her salty cheek. “You aren’t dead. You aren’t a traitor, you gave us nothing. It’s me they want and I’ll give them that. I’ll take the bullet,” I say, never so sure of myself before.