If he was waiting for me to speak first. Too bad for him because he was going to be standing there for a long time. As much as I wanted to talk, I wasn’t saying shit.

I don’t know how long I sat there, but when my beer bottle was half empty, I didn’t flinch when he sat down next to me, grabbed his beer and took a drink.

Neither of us spoke, we just drank the ice-cold brew.

When I was finished, I stood straightening my back.

It was now or never.

I couldn’t put this off any longer.

I braced myself as he finished his beer, got to his feet, then hauled off and punched me square in the nose. My eyes watered as I grunted, hearing the crunch of bones as blood flowed freely down my face. Staggering back, I shook my head, wiping the blood from my nose with the back of my hand. “Okay. I will give you that one.” I said as his fist barreled at my face again, connecting with my right eye.

Mother fucker that hurt!

“I’m getting married in two days, asshole!” I roared now pissed. Charging him around the middle, we both fell onto one of the small tables, shattering it as we rolled around on the floor, punching each other, intent to inflict as much pain as possible.

I knew he was pissed, but holy fuck, he was trying to kill me with his bare hands. Kicking out, my foot connected with his ribs.

He grunted.

I smiled.

Quickly getting to my feet, I swung my fist, connecting with his jaw. “You really want to do this now?”

“I’m going to kill you,” he growled, spitting blood on the floor.

“Get in line,” I said, waiving him on. I smiled as he charged me. I wasn’t really angry at him, but he seriously just fucked up my woman’s pictures. That was something I couldn’t forgive. However, Remi should have known who the fuck she was marrying. I wasn’t going to that damn wedding without a scratch on me. My brothers wouldn’t allow that. It was either going to be them or someone else.

Better Dylan than them.

Dylan, I could handle.

All of my brothers, fuck no. I wanted to fuck my woman on my wedding night, not be laid up in traction.

“What the fuck!” a loud, bone-curling screech stopped us dead in our tracks. Rolling onto my back, I looked over at Dylan.

“Now you did it,” I moaned, sitting up.

“What in the hell is going on?”

Looking up, I stared at my very irate woman.

Gulping, I did the only thing I could think of.

I knew it was childish, but I didn’t give a shit. I pointed at Dylan and said, “He started it.”

Dylan cocked his head towards me and said, “You deserved it and more.”

“I don’t believe this shit. Damn it, Max!” Remi stomped over to us, hands on her hips, fuming. “What the hell am I going to do with you?”

“I’ve got a few ideas,” Dylan muttered.

“Shut up, Bullseye. I wasn’t talking to you and where the hell have you been? You know what? Never mind. I don’t care. I don’t have time for this shit. The wedding is in two days. Since you insist on going through with this farce, you can take over. I want nothing more to do with it. Beat the hell out of each other. Kill each other for all I care. I’m done!” She shouted, throwing her hands in the air and storming off towards the stairs. A loud bang moments later made me jump and my shoulders slumped.

“Fuck,” I groaned, getting to my feet. “I’m screwed.”

“Yes, you are,” Dylan grinned, swiping his leg out, knocking me flat on my back again. “Stay down fucker. It’s safer.”