Fuck my life.

Laying there on the floor of my clubhouse, gasping for air, I didn’t stop Dylan from getting to his feet as his brothers came to welcome him home. As much as I wanted to keep wailing on him, I was getting too old for this shit. I didn’t have the time or energy anymore. I just wanted all this shit to end and for everything to return to normal. I wanted to enjoy my woman and spend time with my son. I wasn’t asking for much. And, though I would never admit it, I wanted things with Dylan and I settled. He was my blood. I refused to turn my back on him like so many of my ancestors had. Family meant something to me, even if we were butting heads at the moment. I didn’t know if he was here for good, but I was damn glad to see him. We still had a lot of shit to get through, but my brother was finally home.

I didn’t stop Ghost from offering his hand as he helped me to my feet. My fucking so-called best friend stood beside me, chuckling. “That went better than I thought.”

“Really,” I cocked my head towards him. “Shall I tell Dylan your part in Kitty’s death?”

Ghost sobered, freezing where he stood. “He doesn’t know?”

“Are you crazy? If he ever found out, he’d go ballistic. Best he stays angry at me. I can handle him.”

“He just kicked your ass, Reaper.”

“I know. Fucker got strong.” I said, looking over at my brother. The one man in this clubhouse that shared the same blood as mine. Our relationship was rocky at best and I still had a lot to atone for, but he was here. So, I was calling it a win.

With Dylan home, I knew the tides had turned in our favor.

I still wasn’t sure what the fucking Society had in store for all of us, but I knew as long as we stuck together, we could get through anything.

Watching the rest of the clubhouse welcome him, I was about to head upstairs and have a little talk with Remi when Phantom walked out of her cave, only to come to a dead stop seeing Dylan.

My brother spotted her and said nothing, not even a nod.

Phantom scowled, did an about-face and scurried back from where she came as Dylan stormed out of the room in the opposite direction as if his ass were on fire.

Well…that was new.

“Yo Reaper, the wedding planner just pulled up.” Massacre shouted from the front steps.

Grinning, I looked at Ghost. “Tell Shadow to get ready.”

Ghost nodded and slipped away as I headed over to the bar. Nodding at Chaos, he handed me another beer. Taking a long pull from it, I stayed rooted in my spot as the bitch of the century sashayed her flat ass into my club as if she owned the fucking place.

Sheila Worthington was a thin, bottle-blonde with fake tits who spent too much fucking time in the tanning bed because her skin looked like weathered leather. If that wasn’t enough to turn off every man in a fifty miles radius, the woman laughed like a hyena and she smelled like onions. The really bad part…she wanted to go for a ride on my dick.

The woman was nothing more than a spoiled, conniving whore who wanted to take a walk on the wild side.

I hated women like that. Women who thought their shit didn’t stink. Thought because they had money, they were better than everyone else, mainly my woman. My beautiful, real Remi.

I wasn’t stupid. I saw the light dim in my woman’s eyes when the stuck-up bitch was around. I’d heard some of the subtle comments the bitch said about my woman.

The woman was pure fucking evil.

“Oh, Maxwell,” she cooed, grating my nerves as she placed her hand on my arms before taking a seat next to me. “I’m so glad to see you today. We have so much to discuss.”

“Sure do,” I dead panned, taking another drink of my beer.

“I’ll take a white wine,” she said, never acknowledging Chaos, who sneered at her behind the bar, drying a glass.

“Lady, this isn’t the Ritz. We got whiskey or beer.”

She sighed. “Chilled bottle of water then.”

Chaos grabbed a cold bottle of beer, popped the cap off and slammed the beer down in front of her. “You’re fucking water.”

I had to bite my cheek to stop from smiling.

“I’ve got things to do,” Chaos said before leaving me alone with the cunt.