“That boy needs an attitude adjustment,” she said, pushing the beer away from her as if it was radioactive.

Shaking my head, I drank the last of my beer and then said, “His attitude is just fine. He just doesn’t like the company.”

Shelia ignored my comment, sat up straighter and straightened her overly priced suit. Getting to her feet, she smiled as my stomach curled. Looking around the room, she asked. “Where is your future bride?”

“Taking care of my son. Why do you care?”

“I was hoping to see her. I told her last time I was here about a diet I used to help her slim down a bit. No one wants to be a less than perfect bride.”

I growled. “Lady, my woman is perfect just the way she is.”

“Of course. I didn’t mean anything by it, Maxwell. She was worried about fitting into her wedding dress. I was just trying to help.”

That was a fucking lie. I knew my woman. Remi didn’t even want this fucking wedding and hated wearing dresses. If she could get away with it, she’d marry me in a pair of shorts and a tank top. The only reason she was even wearing a dress was because I asked her to.

Fucking cunt was really pissing me off. I needed to get this show on the road. I had other things I needed to take care of.

Getting to my feet, I smiled. “Well, Shelia, let's me show you what you’re here to see. The boys worked all morning, setting everything up. They should be done by now.”

The cunt smiled, curling her claws around my bicep as I led her towards the back. I made a mental note to burn my clothes after she left.

As I walked into the sunshine, I saw a tent erected as chairs were placed in distinct rows separated by an isle down the middle. Some of the boys were still constructing the dance floor off to the left, while others laughed and poked fun.

As the bitch surveyed everything, she said nothing.

I kind of wanted her to say something, anything, to give me a reason to just end this farce. I really didn’t relish hurting a woman, but then again, Shelia Worthington wasn’t really a woman. She’d been picked apart and glued back together so many times that she probably didn’t even know who she was anymore. Too bad for her, she was part of the same group trying to kill me and mine. For that alone, I would happily put a bullet in her head.

“What is that building?” she said, pointing at the shed. “Your future bride never told me.”

“You mean my playroom?” I smiled as I watched her gulp, blushing.


“Oh yeah. I go there when I need to blow off steam. Want to see?”

Sheila licked her lips as her eyes never moved from the small building. “You mean it’s like that book?”

I watched as she gulped and blushed.

Fucking freak.

I knew what she was talking about. I’d have to be fucking dead not to know. The whole fucking world knew about that book. Of course, I didn’t need a fucking playroom to fuck my woman. The only toy Remi wanted was my dick and I was good with that.

Saying nothing, I led her to the shed as the brothers stopped what they were doing and watched. Opening the door for her, I let her walk in first. Looking at my boys, I nodded once as all of them dropped what they were doing and scattered.

This was going to be fun.

“It’s so dark in here.”

“Lady, you have no idea how dark it can get,” I said, following her into the shed. Smiling, I slowly shut the door behind me.