Chapter Fifteen

A few days later, Drake pulled her into a room where several people sat or stood around talking.

“Stop being so nervous. Devon and Emma are here. You’re going to meet other women who I think you’re going to enjoy spending time with.”

She nodded. She didn’t want to tell him she just wasn’t nervous but terrified. She was so different than the other women she’d met. “As long as you’re here, I’m fine.”

He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I won’t leave without you.”

She knew he wouldn’t, but she still felt insecure, and she hated it.

Aisha relaxed when she saw Emma heading her way.

“I’m so glad you came.” Emma hugged her. “Drake, can I take her to meet some of my friends?”

“Yes, but she can’t leave the room.”

Emma nodded. “I understand.”

Aisha looked back at Drake as Emma pulled her away from him and saw he was already in a discussion with a few other men.

“Guys, this is Aisha, the girl I’ve been telling you about.”

Aisha stopped by Emma and looked around at the different women. They were all small and very pretty, and they all had a smile of welcome on their faces, which helped her relax.

“Hi, my name is Bella, and I belong to Caleb.”

Aisha nodded and turned to the next woman.

“I’m Lacey, and Cason is my husband.”

This woman’s eyes were the most unusual she’d ever seen and quite beautiful.

“It’s nice to meet you.”

“I’m Kinley, and I belong to Eli.”

“I’m Faith, and I’m Rylan’s.”

“It’s very nice to meet all of you,” Aisha said.

“Emma told us you’re from Afghanistan. Did you have to wear that scarf thing on your head?”

Aisha smiled at Faith. “Yes, I did. It’s called a chaadar.”

“Are you glad you don’t have to wear it now?” Kinley asked.

“Yes, in a way. It was a part of my life for so long, I feel naked without it sometimes, but it’s nice to be free, and it’s not so hot.”

“Do you still have one?” Lacey asked. “I’d love to see it and see how you put it on.”

“Of course. I’d love to show you.” Aisha looked around and spotted Drake with his back to her, but she felt better having him close. “Do you know why we’re here?”

“I think the guys are just meeting people who want to be involved with the business,” Emma said.

“That’s what I heard,” Kinley said.

“Caleb didn’t tell me anything.”

“Well, look who’s here. Look at all the pretty ladies.”