Aisha turned to find the man Devon called Mathews smiling at them. She inched closer to Emma and grabbed her hand. She didn’t like the man at all, and he scared her for some reason.

“Mister, you’re standing too close. Back off,” Kinley said to him.

The guy rolled his eyes. “I just stopped to say hello.”

“Well, I, for one, don’t like you talking to our girls, Mathews, so fuck off,” Caleb said.

“Jesus, Simmons.” Mathews raised his hands, snorted, turned, and walked away.

“Are you girls okay?” Caleb asked.

They all nodded.

Caleb pressed a kiss to Bella’s head. “I’ll be close, babe.”

“Okay, Daddy. Thank you.”

“Let’s grab a few chairs and go over to the corner,” Emma said.

The women took the chairs and sat in a semi-circle. Aisha enjoyed listening to them talk and liked answering their questions. They were also great at answering all of hers.

“What’s she doing here?” Emma asked, making the girls turn toward a group of people.

“Who is that?” Kinley asked.

“She was in Drake’s office the other day, and she was touching him,” Emma told them.

They all looked at her with sympathy in their eyes.

“I would have decked her,” Lacey said, making the others smile.

“I say we all hate her,” Bella said.

Aisha couldn’t pull her eyes away from the woman as she stood next to Drake. She hadn’t touched him, but Aisha could tell she wanted Drake by the way she looked at him.

The woman was the opposite of Aisha in every way. She was tall and had curves that men enjoyed. She was extremely beautiful, and she had to be smart to be a lawyer. She also stood with a confidence Aisha would never have, and it made something inside of her tightened painfully.

Emma grabbed her hand. “You know Drake would never do anything to hurt you, right?”

Aisha pulled her gaze away from the woman and nodded. “Yes. It’s just that she’s so … everything.”

Kinley snorted. “That’s bullshit. She might look like every man’s dream, but I guarantee you she’d a class-A bitch, and the men we know would hate that.”

“How do you know that?” Emma asked.

“I was in Eli’s office working on the computer when she walked in, and right away, she started demanding Eli’s attention, and I thought acted superior, but she’s nothing. I bet you anything she’s a slut.”

Aisha sputtered, and the other women laughed.

“Why do you say that?” Emma said.

“Yes, there’s a buffet along the wall by the windows. Go grab a plate of food. This meeting will take a little while longer.”

“What’s it for?” Emma asked.

“It’s people that we need to help us build the business and get it moving forward. Everyone here is either a partner or an outsider that we get answers we need from.”

The girls nodded and watched him walk off.

“Let’s get some food. I’m hungry,” Kinley said.