Page 100 of Bullseye



“I really wish you wouldn’t do this,” Dylan said, hugging me tight to him. I wanted to stay with him. To ensure he got his dream of us together, away from the MC. It was a beautiful thought. One I prayed for came true. I really did want his dream, but someone had to save my brother. I couldn’t leave Solomon in the hands of that bitch. And I knew to give Dylan his dream, I needed to finish what I started.

I had to end this.

“There is no one else. You and the boys need to get those people free and kill Caroline. It’s up to Savage and me to save my brother.”

“I know.”

“Savage, Kitty is your responsibility. I don’t care if she rips your dick from your body. If shit goes sideways, you get her the fuck out of there, understood?” Reaper ordered loudly for me to hear.

“Understood, boss.”

“Kitty, I called Toxic last night. He and his boys will meet you at the rendezvous point. You are to wait for him. Do not go in by yourself. Do you hear me?”

“I hear you. Wait for backup. You just make sure Dylan doesn’t get any more holes in him.”

“No promises. He’s prettier than I am. He needs those holes to look more normal like the rest of us.”

“Whatever. Just protect him.”

“Reaper, I don’t like this. I should go with her.” Dylan said, facing the president of the club.

Reaper shook his head and said, “I need you here to take out the snipers with Ravage. We knew this wasn’t going to be easy. Kitty and Savage will have the Florida Chapter to help them get Sandman out alive. They will meet us back in California as discussed. This will all be over soon enough.”

“He’s right, Dylan. I can do this,” I interjected before Dylan could say anything more. I knew he hated this plan, and if I was honest, I wasn’t totally on board with it myself. But it was what it was, and there was nothing we could do to change it now. Too many people knew what was going on. It was only a matter of time before Caroline got word that the mafia had shown up. Plus, with their help, Dylan was better off here with them than helping me on what was surely a suicide mission. “Trust me. Everything will be fine. You’ll see.”

I said nothing more as Dylan kissed me as if his life depended on it. “You be careful, woman. I will lose my shit if anything happens to you.”

“I know. I love you too, Dylan.”

“Let’s go, sis. This isn’t going to get any easier,” Savage said, pulling me away from my husband. However, he didn’t get far, as Dylan grabbed his cut. “I love that woman more than my own life Lucas. She is my everything. You make sure she comes back to me.”

“I give you my word, brother. Not a scratch, I promise.”

Dylan nodded as Savage, and I walked to the rental vehicle and got in. Putting on my seatbelt, I could see Dylan saying something to Reaper, who paled then nodded. Whatever Dylan said had Reaper scared. I could only imagine what it was, and it wasn’t good.

“You sure about this, Kitty? Say the word, and we won’t go. We can let the Florida chapter save Solomon.”

“No. I need to be there. He won’t hurt me, and besides, I need time to talk to him, without interference from Dylan or Reaper.”

“Alright,” Savage muttered as he started the car.

I said nothing as I watched Dylan’s figure get smaller and smaller in my rearview mirror.

Life was funny sometimes. I never considered myself a pleasant person.

Hell, I was a bitch, and I owned it.

I was who I was. And I didn’t need anyone to tell me what I saw last night when I woke to Dylan staring at me.

It was written all over his face.

He was scared.

I knew he was.