Page 103 of Bullseye

“Got the kid and woman, Reaper. Security cameras are disabled. We’re safe. You’re good to go,” we all heard Gadget say into our earpieces.

“Snipers, now,” Reaper ordered.

Looking into my scope, I counted, “One.”

“Two,” Ravage muttered.

“Three,” we said at the same time, each taking our shot.

“Phantom, do your thing. Snipers are down.” I said, quickly making my way down the tree I was in, knowing Ravage was doing the same to rendezvous with Reaper.

Phantom smiled and said, “Sorry boys, but playtime is over,” as she quickly twisted her body around the man holding her, wrapped her arm around his neck, and snapped it like a twig. The other two guards reached for their guns, but they were no match for Phantom, as she jumped, wrapping her legs around one of the guard's neck, simultaneously stripping him of his gun and shooting the other while bringing down the other guard and killing him instantly.

“Take the compound!” Reaper shouted.

And that was all it took for chaos to ensue.

Men came running from the compound, shooting anything that moved, while I started picking them off one by one. From my vantage point, it wasn’t hard. The tricky part was getting through the madness and into the house where I knew Caroline was hiding.

That bitch wasn’t escaping justice today.

Running, I passed Reaper, who was in full death mode as his blades sliced and diced his way through the men. Ravage, not far from Reaper, was busy shooting and breaking necks to anyone who came close. We were making a dent, but the more we killed, the more emerged.

Just how many men were guarding this place?

Holy fuck!

“Okay, enough of this shit,” Ravage shouted right before he pulled a grenade from his cut and launched it towards the entrance of the compound. “Boom bitches!”

“Fuck!” I shouted, tackling Reaper right before the grenade exploded as rocks, wood, and debris covered us. “I’m going to kill that fucker.”

“Get in line,” Reaper gasped as he pushed me off him.

“Cuddle later,” Ravage laughed as he ran past us and into the house.

“That boy needs a hobby,” I said, helping Reaper to his feet before following Ravage into the large house shooting anything that moved.

Fuck there were too many.

“Ravage, duck!” I shouted, shooting the man behind my cousin.

“Fucking cockroaches!” Ravage roared, shooting his gun until he emptied his clip. Reaching into his cut, he grabbed another clip and quickly inserted it into the butt of his gun, and started shooting again. “There are too many of them!”

He was right. Guns were going off in a symphony of hellfire. There was no reprieve. The more we killed, the more arrived. Pinned down, unable to move, I looked to my left to see Reaper bleeding from his arm as he continued to shoot. Looking to my right, Ravage was in full-on Dirty Harry mode as he didn’t give a single fuck anymore. I couldn’t see Ghost, Viper, or Shadow, and I had no clue where Matrix and Phantom were.

We all knew this was a fucked-up situation, and we were right. There were too many guns for hire guarding this compound. With no end in sight, I kept firing. If I had to go out, I was happy it was with my brothers.

“INCOMING!” a voice shouted from somewhere outside. Diving for the floor, I took cover as an RPG flew into the house, exploding in a blinding light. The boom was deafening, and when I was able to look up, I saw several men dressed in fancy suits enter the compound, shooting all those who were left standing or breathing. Coughing, I got to my knees. “Ravage!”

“I’m here, Dylan.


“Who the fuck launched that mother fucker!”

Okay, Reaper was fine as he walked over to me, helping me to my feet. “When I get my hands on the fucker who launched that missile, I am going to kill him.”

“I don’t care who did it,” I said, shaking my head. “They helped.”