Page 104 of Bullseye

Just then, in walked a tall mother fucker in a three-piece suit, without a single speck of dust on him, smoking a cigar. He was flanked by two men, who, though looked awfully pretty, were sheepishly smiling at Reaper.

“Hi, boss.”

“Sorry about that. My shot went wide.”

“Salvatore, make sure everyone is dead. Lorenzo, help the wounded. Only the Skulls. Dwayne, help Sal. Reginald, introduce me.”

Ignoring the newcomer, I quietly moved away from them, walking over the dead bodies. I tried not to look at all the limbs that were just seconds ago attached to a living human being. I couldn’t think about that. I was in the house. Now it was my turn to have some fun. The house was damn near empty, and those who were still alive were bleeding out and knocking on death’s door.

It was hard to see with all the smoke that clung to the air from Ravage’s grenade and the RPG. Flickering lights gave the once lovely house an ominous feel as I continued forward, seeing my prize at the end of a long hallway. From the beginning, I knew what my job was. I was the one who had to kill Caroline Doherty. Kitty told me no one else could kill her. It had to be me.

I never understood that until now.

Why I was the one who had to pull the trigger.

It was because I was the only one who wouldn’t be swayed. I was the impartial third party. I wasn’t raised around her. I wasn’t related to her. I didn’t care about her. She was nothing to me. Just a body unfit to leave breathing. She’d caused so much death and destruction in her time on earth, and now death had come for her.

I was her reaper.

I was here to collect her soul and send it to hell.

With the layout of the compound memorized, I knew right where Caroline would be hiding. Heading off in that direction, I clearly heard Reaper sneer, “What the fuck are you doing here!” Reaper was in his element. He wasn’t happy unless he was yelling at someone.

Kicking the door in front of me, I said nothing as it flew off its hinges and landed across the room. There, on the bed, was the body of Jeffery Denton.


“Guess I should thank you for that one,” I said to no one in particular, knowing that my prize was hiding somewhere in the room. The room smelled of sex and deceit. The sex I ignored. However, it was the deceit I wanted revenge for. “Come on out, Caroline. There’s no place for you to hide. We’ve got you surrounded.”

“Fuck You!”

Shaking my head, I followed her voice and threw open the closet door to find her crouched amongst all her clothes. Fuck, the woman had a lot of shit. Grabbing her by her hair, I dragged her kicking and screaming from her hiding place. Which if I were to think about it wasn’t a good place at all. I mean, seriously, why do women go straight for the closet? Why not the kitchen where all the fucking knives are at. At least there, they would have some kind of protection. What can a closet do? Keep you warm?

Pain lanced the back of my arm.

Groaning, I let go of her hair to see her wielding a wicked-looking knife in one hand and a gun in the other. Smiling, she got to her feet. “Where’s your bitch?”

“Away from you.”

“So, you are going to be the one to kill me?”

“Yep,” I said, raising my other arm and pointing my gun at her head. “Any last words?”

Caroline grinned as she, too, raised a gun, pointing it directly at me.

Sighing, I just shook my head.

This bitch just wouldn’t quit!

“Oh, I have plenty to say, but I’ll take most of it to my grave. However, I will leave you with this one last nugget of information. Diablo knows about Layla, and he’s coming for her.” She muttered as both of our guns went off at the same time.

I watched as the hole blossomed in her forehead and exploded out the back of her head, splattering brain matter across the bed and walls. It was a gruesome sight for sure, but I never missed. And as her body fell to the ground, I turned to find Reaper, Ravage, Ghost, and several others I never met before standing in the doorway, covered in blood.

“The bitch is dead,” I said, coughing. My chest felt weird, as if it were loaded down with weights. I don’t remember hurting myself, yet I knew I was. Dropping my gun, I went to move when Reaper roared, rushing to me, wrapping his arms around me. “Hang on, Dylan. Help is coming.”

“Lorenzo! Get in here now!” a man shouted.

“I’ll go get a vehicle,” Ravage said, running from the room as if someone finally lit a fire under his ass. I never saw my cousin move so fast before. I didn’t know what they were talking about. I thought they’d be happier knowing that Caroline was gone.