Page 106 of Bullseye



The wind was howling as the rain pelted fiercely against my body. I could barely see a damn thing through this storm. How was I supposed to get to the house if I couldn’t even move a damn inch? I knew my brother was in there. I could hear his screams from where I was standing. I just had to find a way to get to him.

“Kitty. What do you want to do?” Savage asked, standing next to me.

That was the rub.

I wanted to steamroll into that house and get my brother out of there. I wanted to kill them all. Every one of them. This whole fucked up mess had gotten out of hand. It was time to take everyone down a notch and put the advantage back into our hands.

God, when I started this, I never thought for a second it would get this crazy. I’d seen crazy my whole life, but nothing like this shit.

“Where the fuck are the rest of the brothers? Didn’t Reaper say they’d meet us here?”

“Yeah,” Savage said, looking about the area. I could tell my brother was worried. So was I. Toxic, and the Florida Club was supposed to have already been here. We’d been waiting for close to thirty minutes now. The longer we waited, the more I feared for Solomon’s life. His screams were becoming more prominent by the minute.

“We can’t go in there by ourselves. We may have to abort.”

“Hell no. I’m not leaving him in there.”

“We may not have a choice, Kitty.”

“I always have a choice. It may be the wrong one, but I have a choice.”

“We need an exit plan.”

Reaching for my phone, I checked to see if any messages may have come in. I was worried about Bullseye and the rest of the boys. They should have raided the compound by now. I should have received a text saying all was clear and that the bitch was dead.

God, I hope Reaper didn’t fucking freeze and let that bitch live.

She had to die.

There was no way around this mess.

Reaper knew that.

I just had to trust that he would do the right thing.

It was hard for me.

Trusting him.

I didn’t want to. I couldn’t before, but with everything going down tonight, I had no choice. I had to believe that the President of the Golden Skulls would do what’s best for the club’s future. If not…we were all dead souls walking.

“Anything,” Savage asked, looking at his phone. When I shook my head no, he added, “Me neither. How much longer do you want to wait?”

“Five more minutes, and then we’re going in.”

“No, we need a plan to survive this, or we’re leaving because I don’t see a way out, Kitty.”

“Come on, Savage. This is right up your alley. Guns, blood, and all that shit.”

“Yeah, but I don’t want to be the one dying!”

Shaking my head, I heard another guttural scream come from the house. “My God, what the fuck are they doing to him?”

“Killing him…slowly.”