Page 107 of Bullseye

I couldn’t say what gave me the courage, or maybe it was the fact that I had a death wish, but when I heard my brother scream again, the sound propelled me into action.

I didn’t care about anything anymore.

My husband was safe with his brothers, my daughter was taken care of.

The only one who needed me was dying slowly, and I refused to let that happen. Running as if my life depended on it, I didn’t think of what could happen.

The outcome of my decision was the furthest thing from my mind.

I could hear Savage screaming my name as I ran towards the small house as fast as possible. I didn’t bother thinking about anything. I just needed to get into the house. If I could do that, then I would have a fighting chance.

Two men came around the side of the house. Seeing me rushing towards them, they raised their guns. But I already had mine out and didn’t think. I shot twice. Hitting my mark as I ran past the two falling men. I could hear Savage shooting behind me.

I prayed his aim was true.

It always had been growing up.

He never missed.

As more men appeared, I wasted no time killing them. They seriously fucked with the wrong woman if they thought they could torture my family and get away with it. What did they think? They’d get a free pass. Life never gave me one. I sure as hell wasn’t going to provide them with one.

Gasping for air, I leaned against the side of the house, watching Savage take care of business. Thanks to the loud thunder and torrential downpour, our shots were muffled. However, those on the outside did not concern me. It was those on the inside. I didn’t know how many were in there or if I would be able to kill them all without getting hit myself.

You only lived once, right?

Gathering what courage I had, I kicked the door open and let the chips fall where they lay.