Page 108 of Bullseye



The hospital was packed as I ran along with the gurney. I wanted to yell and scream at her for what she did. It was a stupid, stupid mistake. But I had to hand it to her. She got the job done. Only the aftermath was not what anyone expected. Seeing my sister kill indiscriminately was something nightmares were made of. She was like an avenging demon, hell-bent on taking as many souls as possible with her to hell. And she did. She was not picky about who she killed. Her focus was on Sandman and getting to him, and God help those who got in her way.

Though I was right behind her and tried to protect her as best I could, Kitty was a force unto herself. Not even Reaper could have stopped her. She was the Grim Reaper, and when the dust settled, she accomplished her mission.

Sandman was saved.

Now it was her turn.

Running with the paramedics, I was stopped entering the small room where they just wheeled her into. Sandman was in the room next to her. Standing there, between the two rooms, unable to move, I prayed that both of them would be alright. Though from the holes and blood, I wasn’t so sure.

I didn’t know what to do.

Where to go.

Who to call.

I couldn’t leave Kitty, and she would surely kill me if I left Sandman.

I was stuck.


Turning, I saw Reaper and the rest of my brothers walking down the hall towards me. “What the fuck are you doing here? Where’s Kitty?”

I couldn’t answer.

I had no words.

She was my responsibility.

She always had been, and now she was hurt.

Really hurt.

Turning back to the closed doors, I stayed silent.

Reaper walked over to me. He didn’t touch me. I was thankful for that.

I wasn’t in any mood for comfort.

I fucked up.

I made a mistake.

I missed, and she was paying for it. “Savage, you’re covered in blood. What happened?”

“There were too many of them. I tried.”

“Tried what, man?” Reaper asked carefully.

“I didn’t have enough bullets. We weren’t prepared. We didn’t think there would be so many. Every time we killed someone, five would take their place. There were so many of them,” I said, turning to my president. Grabbing him by his cut, I growled, “Why didn’t the Florida Chapter show? They were supposed to be there.”

“What do you mean, Savage. Toxic, assure me he was there with you.”

“He wasn’t. None of them were. It was just Kitty and me.”