Page 109 of Bullseye

Ghost muttered, “Fuck.”

“You would have been proud, Max,” I whispered. “She fought bravely. My sister kicked ass today. She is a true Golden Skull.”

“What happened, Savage. I need you to tell me what happened?”

“We were down to a few guys left. Sandman was in no condition to fight. They worked him over good. When Kitty made it to the house and saw her brother, she lost it. She just started shooting everyone. I tried to get to her. I really did, but I had my own problems outside. They just kept coming. By the time I made it into the house, Kitty was on the ground. Her gun was raised to kill the last fucker. I aimed my gun, too, knowing I only had one bullet left. I never miss. Ever. But I did. The fucker shot Kitty in the head. When her gun dropped, I tackled the man and broke his neck with my bare hands. Sandman was out of it. I don’t think he will remember anything. They beat him pretty badly. I crawled over to Kitty and held her. The bullet hit the left side of her head. I didn’t see an exit wound, and when I felt her pulse, I’d never been so damn happy before in my life. But she wouldn’t wake up. She got hurt because I missed. I never miss.”

“Oh God,” Chaos whispered, rubbing the back of his neck. “Reaper, what are we going to tell Bullseye when he gets out of surgery?”

“Bullseye’s here?” I asked, looking at my brothers for the first time.

“Yeah,” Reaper said. “He took a bullet to his chest. He’s in surgery right now. He got Caroline right as she took her shot. We got him here as fast as we could.”


“Look, Savage, tonight was a clusterfuck. I will own that, but I swear to you, I will find out why Toxic and the Florida Chapter didn’t show. They will answer for this.”

“I’m going to kill them.”

“Let the doctors do what they need too. Come on, man, let’s go sit and wait. There’s nothing more we can do.”

“I can’t leave her.”

“I get it, Lucas. I really do. But there is nothing more you can do. Let the professionals do their job.”

Nodding, I left my spot and followed Reaper and the rest of my brothers to the waiting room. Seeing several men in suits, I looked at Reaper, who said, “Long story. Will tell you later.”

I didn’t know how long I sat there, but when a nurse walked in, I looked up seeing a familiar face.


“Nurse Jessica?”

“I need to talk with you.”

Reaper said nothing more as he got up and followed the pretty nurse I had once spent days trying to get her number. I never did get it, but I was glad she was still here. It felt nice having someone who knew us.

Getting to my feet, I started pacing the room. I didn’t know what else to do. All I could think about was seeing Kitty lying there on the floor covered in blood. My sister was a true badass. That was for sure, and I was so damn proud of her. I just wished she had waited, and we could have gone in together.

“Lucas,” Reaper said my name, getting my attention. “Come with me.”

Nodding, I followed Reaper and Nurse Jessica down a long hallway and into a private room where a couple of more nurses and two doctors were hovering over my sister. Hearing a heartbeat on the machines, I couldn’t hold it in any longer.

I rushed to her side and sat, reaching for her hand as tears fell down my face. “You’re gonna be okay, sis. See, I told you I would fix it. I fix everything. You just rest and get strong, okay.”

“Lucas Keller, my name is Doctor Michael Strong. I am the lead on your sister’s case. Typically, I would speak to the spouse, but since he’s in surgery, you are the next of kin.”

“Any word on Dylan?”

“No, I’m sorry I haven’t heard anything.”

“How’s Kitty? Is she going to be okay? I know headshots are deadly, but she’s breathing and has a pulse. Will she need help to learn things when she wakes? Don’t worry about the price, Doc. I will get my sister the best there is. Just give me a name.”

“Mr. Keller,” the doctor said, interrupting me. “When the bullet entered your sister’s brain, it entered on the left side. There was no exit wound. The damage done was irreversible, and I’m sorry to say this, but though your sister is still breathing, she is brain dead. I have consulted with our neurologist, and after several tests, we have determined there is no brain activity. Your sister has been declared brain dead.”

“I don’t understand. She is breathing.”

“The machines are breathing for her, Mr. Keller.”