Page 19 of Bullseye

Now, I was running for my life.

Jumping over a fallen log, I made my way south, towards the Chickamauga River, knowing it would pass by the town of Redbank and away from the Black Vultures territory. That was one place I didn’t want to go, like ever.

The mist thickened as I ran, making the ground harder to see. Dark clouds loomed overhead, blocking out the moonlight. Yet that didn’t bother me. I grew up playing in these woods. I knew every inch of them. Hunted in them since I was a small boy. There was nothing in these woods I hadn’t seen or dealt with, except the fucker bastard gaining on me.

And that’s when I felt it.

The slight sting.

Cursing, I stopped behind a tree and looked at my left leg. I knew it could only be one thing. I saw the tiny dart sticking out and cursed. “Fuck.”

“You can run all you want, Dylan, but that poison will only kill you faster. Come on out and let me have my fun. I’ve missed you.”

Ignoring the sick bastard, I yanked the dart out of my thigh and headed due west. Fuck the nearest town. I was going home. Now, I just needed to make it there alive and pray my Aunt Roxy still kept the antivenom on hand.

So much for keeping a low profile.

Reaper was going to kill me.