Page 20 of Bullseye



I was dying.

Okay, you’re not dying.

I just need to make it to the clubhouse.

I wasn’t far.

I could do it.

You pussy get the fuck up and move.

Fuck was talking to myself now. I was talking to myself, right? Looking up, I saw him and grinned. Oh, Jekyll fucked up this time. No fucker could get past him. He lived for shit like this. Unable to stop myself, I smirked and whispered, “Help me, brother.”

“Why the fuck would he do that?” Jekyll grinned, leaning against a tree, picking his nails with a small box knife. I really hated that bastard. There wasn’t a childhood memory that wasn’t fucked up because of him. He lived for tormenting me.

“Help me,” I sighed as another sharp pain contorted my body. What the fuck did Jekyll put in those fucking darts. Snake venom wasn’t supposed to be this painful. Fuck.

“Looks like my mixture is working,” the fucker grinned. “I knew I got it right this time.”

“Please, Grimm…help me.”

“Can’t do that, brother,” he said, leaning down next to me. “You’re gonna have to help yourself this time.”

Rolling over, I started to crawl along the forest floor. It took everything in me to keep going. I had to.

Kitty needed me.

Hailey needed me.

Layla needed me.

I couldn’t give up yet.

I couldn’t rest.

I had to keep going.

I was close.

I had to be.

I just needed to keep moving.

The forest floor was wet from the mist that rolled in last night. I didn’t know how long I’d been crawling in the mud and muck. I was exhausted. My arms hurt. I couldn’t feel my leg anymore. My lungs burned, and everything was starting to blur.

I didn’t know how long it had been when the clubhouse came into view. I raised my head and spotted Ari. God, she was pretty. Ghost found himself a good Ol’Lady. Like my Kitty. She was a survivor. I watched as she moved closer to the tree line. Something caught her attention.

I looked behind me and groaned. They were still there but no longer looking at me.

“Is that her?” Jekyll asked.

“Yes,” Grimm whispered. “Remember the plan. She is mine. I will help you get yours after you help me get off this fucking mountain.”

Ari wasn’t Grimm’s. She belonged to Ghost. What was Grimm talking about? Seeing Ari, I turned to look at Grimm. He looked possessed, infatuated and when he grinned, licking his lips, I knew something was definitely wrong. This wasn’t the brother I knew. He was something else, someone else.