Page 24 of Bullseye



“No!” I shouted angrily, then quickly lowered my voice, looking towards the stairs. Turning back to the fucker standing in my doorway, I shoved him back, quickly shutting the door behind me. “Whatever you’re here to do, forget about it. He isn’t healed. He can barely take a piss by himself.”

The nerve of this fucker.

I just got my husband back, and now he was standing on my front porch wanting more. Over my dead body. This bastard could get one of the other boys in his club to do his dirty work.

My husband was done. Finito!

“Kitty,” Reaper sighed. “I’m not here to ask him to do a job.”

“Good, because Healer just released him into my care yesterday.”

“I just want to talk to him.”

“About what?”

Reaper stared, raised his eyebrow, and said, “What do you think?”

Oh, hell no!

He wants to fucking bond, now?

He must be out of his ever-loving mind. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me, right?”

“I need this shit settled.”


“Woman, you can’t stop this.”

“You’re right. I can’t stop you from lowering the family bomb in my husband’s lap, but it’s not happening today.”

“Then when Kitty? Because the way I see it, the faster we get this shit behind us, the quicker we can move on. I don’t like secrets. I want Bullseye to hear it from me before one of those big-mouth assholes spills the beans.”

“Then order them to shut their traps!”

“Seriously?” Reaper deadpanned. “Those fuckers are worse than a bunch of biddies at a church social. It’s going to come out.”

“Did you tell them that you hired Dylan to kill Pops? Or did you leave that nugget out?”

When Reaper stayed silent, I knew the answer.

God, he was a real piece of work.

I laughed. “God, you are full of shit, Reaper. You are just as bad as them. You have the nerve to stand on my front porch and tell me about not keeping secrets when you are holding onto the biggest secret of them all.”

“I know.”

“Answer me this?” I asked. “Why did you do it? Why did you hire a hit on your own father?”

“Why do I get the feeling you already know the answer to that?”

“I do, and that’s why you are not telling Dylan today. He will be healed soon enough. When that day comes, you can have him back. But before you break the news about your brotherhood to him, you better make damn sure you have all the answers because sometimes what you think is the truth, is in fact, a fucking lie.”

“What does that mean?”